New Ghost Ability Changes, Voodoo & Tarot Buffs – Phasmophobia Update


There has just been another patch for Phasmophobia and this one has some quite significant changes to some of the ghost powers & abilities, as well as some other quality of life changes and bug fixes which I’ll be covering in this video.

Phasmophobia Balance Patch v0.5.2.0 Patch notes:


33 thoughts on “New Ghost Ability Changes, Voodoo & Tarot Buffs – Phasmophobia Update”

  1. I wonder when the next giant update is gonna be announced, maybe like a st Patrick's day one where the there are new Celtic like ghost types like the kelpie, new map themed to like a medieval mansion, and maybe new models for hunters that have green hats on. Just an idea and maybe some day a dev may see this but keep up the good work Nuzz!

  2. The Banshee can seem like a demon, yokai or raiju when hunting at a high average sanity, especially the latter two if you didn't get fingerprints yet (or demon if you only have fingerprints), and mimic if you don't have DOTS yet. Raiju is very easy to exclude because speed.
    But once you figure out it's a Banshee, you can easily use that to your advantage.

    I hope Banshees still hunt normally while their target is outside or the average team sanity is low enough, although the wording makes it seem like they wont, which makes it easily exploitable

  3. A simple way to buff the Banshee could go like this: After hearing a singing voice event (or whatever the noise is for the hunt), player speed (including sprinting) is reduced by some percentage for a minute or so. This is kind of obvious, but it would at least push the banshee towards an identity.

  4. I'd love the banshee doing a classic banshee scream ghost event, shattering lights, disorienting nearby players (several seconds of blurred vision, slower movement/disable sprint, etc) along with medium to high sanity drain.

  5. Glad the dev's rolled-back a little on the ghost nerfs and hope they go far further. The big problem to me with the game as it is; is we run out of things to do that we often need to force hunts for objectives. This is from the Devs listening to cat-herders on the subreddit and steam forum, whinging that phasmo is too hard to play with their uninitiated and probably drunk friends. I agree the game needs to be approachable, but restrict ghost nerfs put in for the sake of ease to Easy and perhaps Normal.

  6. One thing that can be done for the Shade is let it share the Jinns power of silently and immediately draining sanity, now obviously the Jinn can only do it with the power on but this could also work with the Shade since it let's it drain sanity without exposing itself and really playing to the Shades game of hiding

  7. ❤️ Shame that you didn't like all the changes. I like all of them! The banshee change is good, I think it makes it more fun and unique.
    Sounds like you are "exploiting" the voodoo doll for hunts and not for what it is actually made for 😋

  8. Idr the raiju or rev speeds, but normal walking speed is 1.6 m/s, so any rooms with temps of 12+ will still be fine to loop. As for the banshee, it following it's target around and interacting around them could lead to some insane matches

  9. I like the individual sanity change, I think a cool buff would be to give Banshees the ability to detect their target in hiding spots if their sanity is too low(25 or 10), this gives them some extra justice for their "excellent hunter" flavor text. Also gives a use for candles and keeping sanity high to keep yourself alive among the experienced half of the playerbase who is already used to staying at low sanity for extra activity. Now they have a reason to stay a bit higher than they should: a Banshee being able to lock onto you if you're too insane can be really mortifying. Also gives the first ghost ability that targets hiding as a survival strat which is a nice direction to explore(although if more were to come up: these ghosts should be loopable at least)


    They want to create a high risk-reward for Hantu no-evidence or Nightmare: if you want to witness the special breath on the Hantu, you must lock yourself in the ghost room and keep a close eye as you do now, but another option is to turn off the breaker and give the Hantu his speed ability so you can ID it via the breath from a safe distance, kind of like the risk of ID'ing the old rev. The breath gives you the ability to differentiate it from the other speedsters, without any other evidences collected.

  11. I would imagine that the third thing there about the Banshee – where it hounds the target and sticks around them, and causes additional, faster sanity drain with singing events – is the thing that's supposed to make the banshee more dangerous and make it a frequent hunter.

  12. Fixed optional exploits, did not fix camera taking photos keep messing up and getting interaction instead. Fixed optional exploit hiding spots, did not fix the stupid low money gain. For once can developers stop cherry picking optional exploits that don’t harm anything, and focus on things that are actual problems.

  13. What could be nice for the voodoo doll is to have a cooldown period where if you push another pin in, it drains more sanity. That way it's more useful for interactions but you can also sanity drain by pushing them in quick succession.

  14. It would be pretty cool for the Banshee to have an ability unique to their lore. Like, whenever they do the "whispering" ghost event, their target will hear a slight variation of the sound compared to other players in multiplayer. So the others would hear the normal "heeya" whisper and the target would hear the same thing except in a higher or lower pitch.

    Idk if this is a good suggestion, though, because a group of friends could easily ID the Banshee this way if they're on comms. But I think it's a good way to incorporate the Banshee's lore in-game.

  15. 2:14 I’m fairly sure the banshee will chose a different target if the main target isn’t in the house and if the original target goes back into the house it will change back to targeting them.


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