In This guide I am showing you exactly how the ghosts in phasmophobia hunt now. I am breaking down their new behavior and will also give you tips & tricks on how you can stay safe during hunts.
Tests were on BETA 6191387, Server v0.26.1
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Do you like the new hunt mechanic?
Congrats for 20k subs!!!
Ich glaub i din Striiim müämer mal inne luege 😉👻
Player: "I will walk straight through the ghost whilst it is chasing someone just because it is funny"
Ghost: kills the player
So how do you survive the farmstead maps with no lockers or closets without looping? IE revenant probably since it will usually check out where you went.
I love that the ghost is not much smarter but me and my friends have encountered a problem with crucifixes. Even though we put them on the ground exactly where the ghost spawns it seems to completely ignore them and hunt anyway. This is further evidenced by the "stop a hunt with a crucifix" challenge not completing. Anyone else have this issue?
So, when you say that ghosts listen for PTT in multi, does this exclude when you have local always on? I prefer this because it feels more immersive, and want the ghost to hear during this.
My sister is called Helen I can confirm never listens to her name haha
But when you’re the last person alive in a multiplayer lobby, does the ghost change to always hearing you as if you’re solo? 🤔
Great content, thank you!!
happy 20k, you deserve more
What if banshee target is inside and then got out of the house? ( Locker glitch )
Also the front door where when you go in when the hunts starts you can get out. Will the hunt stop or she will find new target?
Great vid.
I was thinking about the ghost blinking after you die. I think it doesn't make sense and the ghost should stay solid for dead players.
You might argue, when they blink they are going to the live world. I say, well then why can you see the living players, you obviously see both worlds, so why is the ghost blinking for dead players?
Would be cool if the ghost was always visible for dead players, but for challenge sake, limiting it to hunts would be a nice trade off. That way dead players can get some good video or screen shots and it wouldn't really have any effect on the game difficulty.
To your point at the end of the video about the ghost's "memory", it would be a neat and challenging addition to the AI if the ghost could recognize and remember where people hide each hunt and check those spots first at the next hunt. 🙂
Love your vids
Hello Psycho! <3
But if you’re not playing VR, a smudge stick, lighter, and flashlight will occupy your entire inventory
I really was thinking that intro music was from the PS1 starting up lol
Psycho I just wanna say that fellas like yourself, Nuzzgard and Insym make this game community so great. Youre like dedicated testers for the game and with all the beta patches comin in almost daily I'd say you guys put in almost as much work testing as DK does Developing, so thanks for all the clarity and demystifying of these new changes <3
I think I may have missed one of the recent updates, but when you are dead, weren't you able to see the ghost at all times (even during hunts) instead of it flashing like it does during hunts for living players?
When did they change that?
Today I had a poltergeist, I took sanity pills and was at 100% sanity, walked back into the house and the ghost began a hunt immediately. I couldn’t believe it. And I was solo also. So I guess I’m asking, if your sanity hits hunting level and you take pills, can they still hunt you now? Or is this a bug that I should report?
What on earth is that thumbnail potato-man! Lol -EnviableAura
Is there any safespots that still works from your videos??
If people outside the house yell many things and tell the ghost name and there's only one silent player in the house, do you think the ghost go towards the outside voices ?
I think what happend at 2:30 is that maybe the ghost lost Line of Sight with a chased player, because of another player standing right in front of him. Since ghost check line of Sight 360° they might see with their back. And the ghost did not turn around when a player ran into the ghost, who chased someone else in this video. Maybe? Because i cannot believe there is an extra check for players standing in front of the ghost within 0-3m.
It seems that last locations are treated as another player, that's why it will still prefer last locations if it's closer even if there's an actual player in line of sight. To the ghost, they're both players.
20 fucking k, man i remember when you had like 3k. Good shit. Cheers brotha
20k well-deserved subs! Your content is awesome and informative, and I love watching your challenges as well! Thank you for your effort and love you put in to each video!
Helllooo new video-
all i can think about is the amount of times psycho has been killed for these videos compared to the amount of times he has won these games
❤️ It is amazing that you got so many subscribers!
I assume that turning push to talk off and thus talking all the time works as well on multiplayer?