Updates are coming! The developer has listed several things coming to Phasmophobia, but by far, the most interesting changes coming include two new ghost types. The Yokai and the Hantu will be joining Phasmophobia soon. There’s no set date for when these ghosts will be joining the live version of the game, but hopefully we’ll be seeing them on the Beta servers soon. The developer has had new ghost types in the “to do” list for well over half a year now. So it’s nice to see we’re at least getting to that point. Maybe that new map rumor will be the next thing to pop up on the “coming soon” list.
Either way, the Yokai (from Japanese culture) is a common type of ghost that is attracted to human voices. They can usually be found haunting family homes (although I suspect we’ll find them haunting all of the locations). It’s strengths include talking near the ghost angering it and increases its chance of attacking. It’s weakness is that it will not hear the voices of people who are not near it. It’s evidence includes the spirit box, ghost orbs and ghost writing.
The Hantu (from Indonesian culture) is a rare ghost that can be found in hot climates. They are known to attack often during cold weather. It’s unique stenght is that lower temperatures can cause it to move at faster speeds. It’s weakness is that it will move slower in warmer areas. It’s evidence includes fingerprints, ghost orbs and ghost writing.
I’ve also mentioned in this video that these two new ghosts will skew the evidence tables more than they already were. Prior to these changes, fingerprints were only available for 5 ghosts. Spirit box was evidence for 7 ghosts and all other evidences were indicators for 6 ghost types. But these new ghosts will change it to 6 ghosts types that have fingerprints, EMF 5 and freezing temps. 8 ghosts will now have ghost orbs, spirit box and ghost writing. This makes me wonder… will we get even more ghosts at some point to even this out a bit? Also, it makes me feel strongly that the chance of us getting a new type of evidence is unlikely. What are your thoughts on this?
Thanks for watching my videos! I appreciate all the support from all of my amazing viewers! I can’t thank you enough for your support!
Also, thanks to Alan Fullmer music for providing the music for this video! This music comes from A Million Stars and you can find it over on his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/AlanFullmerMusic.
Also, thanks to ChiggyPepi for his assistance making my video really “pop”. You can show him some love over on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/ChiggyPepi.
And thanks to Ninja2056 for doing ghost hunt after ghost hunt with me to find a Spirit, Wraith or Poltergeist.
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#phasmophobia #phasmo #phasmophobiagame
Hello there! 👋
0:26 lol I remember that! Also I think the yokai will lead to some interesting gameplay and I will have to add 2 new ghosts to my phasmophobia map.
Oh hell yeah!!!! 2 new types and eventually 3 new zones, im in!!
Hey so i finally got the spirit box working the voice recognition doesn't work but the spirit box does
Great video! i cant wait for the update to happen these new ghosts look scarryyyyyy
Oh? Very interesting
At least it's not an AAA game because they would ruin the game indie games like this I like cuz it's made with love and not made with greedy money-hungry jerks look at you EA.