NEW Halloween Update for Phasmophobia!

Welcome to the HALLOWEEN UPDATE for Phasmophobia in 2022! They added so many secrets to the lobby and they are going to add a lot more in the near future. Let me know what you think! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

I stream every day on
Livestream VODS:

NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7.0.3


49 thoughts on “NEW Halloween Update for Phasmophobia!”

  1. Those 5 ghosts are representive of the cursed posessions.
    Because i heard mirror from one of these and i saw in the mirror like i was looking with that ghost eyes.
    That's why is says on the wall you can't escape us and we will be here.
    That's what i think is true doesn't mean it must be that way!

  2. Iooked in at the twitching ghost in the door and then all of a sudden 5 ghosts and a summoning circle appeared. I sacrificed myself and a glowstick and got the jumpscare. Pretty cool.

  3. Not sure if you've noticed but if you go to the un openable door and move to the left while looking to the right through the doors window you can see a ghost in there

  4. When I had no idea about the circle thing, I was freaking out in my lobby alone as the figures bolted towards me I screamed, " What did I do!!!" lmao it was hilarious and my mom was like, " What happened?!!".

  5. Nyaa Insym "by getting the Ghost and all of the Objectives" you forgot to mention the ghost Photo, i followed blindly… and whats worst i read the changelog many times yet yea im dumb too, soo i made my friend fail the challenge 2 times cuz he didnt take the photo


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