The New Phasmophobia Tortoise and the Hare: Hare Weekly Challenge is here and as the name suggest, the player and the ghost are fast or slow!
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Man the game felt very slow
Hi Psycho!!!!
I haven’t played in so long😂 good video!
How do you get these videos up so fast? I guess you get early access to the weekly challenge or something.
Man you upload these videos extremely fast. Does kinetic games give you early access to the challenges?
so a few days of the update. who is ready guys. hahahaha.
so its like they are slow like a deogen type hahaa
When he was using the spirt box, I was waiting for “are you here?” “are you sexy?” “are you horny?” in his low voice. Lol.
darn i thought the update would've released with the weekly challenge, guess not
1:49 if nothing happened or if you heard nothing, it might be upstairs or downstairs
Did this weekly in 10 mins, got myself to level 1k after 5-6 hrs of grinding no evidence runs, i don't wanna touch this game again for at least a few days ;0;
15:16 me too man… Me too…
Jokes aside. At first i thought the "Hare" is refering to how early the ghost hunt.
Turns out i got a demon and it started hunting the moment i walked in :/
lets goooooooo
9:36 That was a good one!!! Got you good! hahaha
this one was pretty fun. My first ghost was a myling in the attic who refused to do anything so we thought there was no evidence Imao
How many clues do you get in this mode
The polter yeeting the beer can at you was pretty funny. That and the jump scare when you were going for the breaker. You know where the ghost room is so you aren't expecting the ghost event at that point and I'm sure that is exactly why the devs are doing that ish. No shame in that got jump scared game though. It is precisely when they get me too.
I wish all these challenges were all 0% sanity runs. They are way too easy
Are you German?
Now the question is, IF the update comes this week, can you do the challenge again? 😀
Or in my case, if you can only do it after the update xD
Would be easy first money