New Hiding Spots in Grafton Farmhouse – Phasmophobia

I stream on Twitch!

Hello! in this video I’ll be showing you the new Grafton Farmhouse. Some of the furniture has been re-jigged and some lockers have been added upstairs.
There is now a bigger emphasis on hiding due to the recent changes, and players are now able to hide behind furniture to break line of sight! So these changes to the map are very welcome and will give you a chance to survive no matter what room you are in.


21 thoughts on “New Hiding Spots in Grafton Farmhouse – Phasmophobia”

  1. Maybe they should add an input or something for hiding, like lying down behind a bed or ducking under a counter. Especially since they have such a huge emphasis on hiding it'd be cool to see something along those lines. Maybe it could be toggle-able though for people who might find it annoying

  2. Unfortunately, I can confirm that hiding next to the wardrobe upstairs doesnt work. The ghost essentially beelines for you when it sees through the door. Maybe this is a bug that'll be patched.

  3. Holy crap that ending it had to have caught a glimpse of you at some point, because of the heartbeats and I definitely wouldn't hide there because of that. Good thing I already used the restroom before watching this man. I thought solo professional asylum revenant my first time playing solo was bad. I almost want to say the flashlight gave you away there but I don't know how the new ghosts work, because I all but stopped playing unless I'm running with a squad to have gotten that unlucky first time playing alone turned me off to it immediately but it was a "drunk decision" and a dare by my friend that I had been playing with along with 2 of his friends and we were doing really good on the professional runs, I had gotten cocky and I got into it with the only guy that was consistently getting killed and to break it up my friend challenged me to do a solo run on asylum and stream it so they could watch I logged into D-live (I'm banned everywhere else at this time and mixer tanked) and booted into the game on asylum.
    Seemingly an hour of searching the joint later I find it in the last room in the basement which was were the power box was and where the bone was when I got back to the van I grabbed the spirit box and the UV torch as well as taking some pills, because I was getting to hunt territory with my sanity and I grabbed the thermometer to make sure there were no freezing temps (this was when it was glitched and would not show freezing temps for whatever reason). I got back down to the room and I checked the door first because it was opened when I closed it and only that one (it was already opened when I found it too) I was starting to feel green when I saw the fingerprints and immediately checked the thermo I walked in and started testing the spirit box… Immediately an answer "DIE" I'm turning around and booking it for the door and I nearly made it when it slams in my face and I hide in a broom closet and wait I'm watching your video the one on revenants to make sure it's what I got sure enough a single tear came out as I heard footsteps approaching from behind me and walking around the corner and getting to my room immediate death I was just sitting there yelling profanity and going please let him run out of time before he gets to me then death. I look at my timer that I started when the hunt did and see that if he had been 2 seconds later he'd have never reached me.
    Michael Philips the rotting bastard was my first revenant ever, and my first death in-game.


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