Phasmophobia released their last Development Preview for the custom difficulty update where they actually revealed how the system works. They also released new screenshots of the new asylum map Sunny Meadows.
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What custom difficulty setting would you want to see?
So pumped for this update! I can't wait to see what other kind of locals they will make, the options are endless. I want an old abandoned carnival and an old rundown factory
This update will be legendary! I like the idea of how they're adding touches here and there to help hide and break line of sight, and also for the ghost to interact with in outside areas. I've had a Poltergeist in an empty room so many times where all it can do is touch doors.
Can't wait for 0 sanity max speed revenant races with 3 other players
Thank you for the break down, it should be exciting to see you Insym, Nuzzgard and others playing around with the custom difficulty. Personally I wish the progression system came out first, as it would have more long term impact on the game. Also, a bit unfairly but… I feel the content releases are slower now that the team has grown. It was two-three months previously and now we are in the four+ range on big patches.
Ngl this looks really good. I'm looking forward to this.
Thank you very much for the video Psycho!
Those sneak peeks at sunny meadows gave me chills! I can't wait!
The custom setting for losing items on death will be turned off permanently for me 😂💀
How will the lose items on death work? Is that like when your a group and someone dies their items disappear or is it when you loose and everyone dies you don't loose anything?
Phasmophobia. map creator and playing as the ghost would be fun, psycho do you agree
one thing i think this will be amazing for is testing and getting used to ghost speeds, for example if you're just like ''oh i wanna be able to tell the twins speed better'' then you can just set it to the twins decoy or normal twin speed to get used to it and be able to tell if its the twins better
At this point we’ve come to expect good things out of every patch from these devs, and every time they give us great things. The Phasmophobia devs have once again proved that they are the best on the block.
Loving the way this looks. Should be really fun for content creators like you and Insym, since you love doing insane challenges!
I may be streaming, but I've only just recently started doing so, and I lack the confidence to try challenges just yet.
I'm also hoping they add more cursed possessions. I want a Magic 8-Ball!
Cannot wait for the update
if the money multiplier is 23x i'm gonna make so much money.. i seriously hope they bring something to spend them on.. right now i have 300k+.. idk what to use for.
Sprint recharge 1 s will sound like someone having a heart attack because of the short breath
I wonder if having multiple cursed items stacks or “multiplies” the cursed hunt if you break more than one?
The new map is gonna be interesting, would love to see some more small maps though as big maps can take too long to complete. Amazing stuff as always!
Probably the default Reward multiplier is x10 and if you go easier you go below so x23 is just about more than the double you got normally
i think its a Hospital Wing
Love these new changes, can't wait to try them!
As a custom difficulty I would love to see a setting that makes the cursed possessions spawn in random places rather than in a specific spot, like it was at the beginning when they got introduced, it was more fun to look for them.
Will the Custom Difficulty have No Evidence so we have to use our knowledge what we know about the Ghosts
No matter how much you change the settings in custom difficulty, somehow CJ will always be the first to die 😂
That hallway could actually be a death trap if you don't see where you're going, bonking your head against beds, dividers and empty bookshelves 😀
Asylum was my favorite map.. I hope they wont ruin it like they ruined the parabolic mic 😭
any news on when it releases roughly :O the new asylum looks amazing
I just want to be able to have the sanity monitor work during nightmare mode. IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK FOR!!!
I mean this is cool and all BUT im waiting for the equipment rework update that adds the tiers of new stuff.
Having lose items on death off should DEFINITELY have zero insurance money on beginner and intermediate (i think adding a X0 modifiers would be a little too much tho lol)
more ideas:
new cursed item: a special video camera (no name yet). when you look threw the camera, you can see the ghost. sanity drain maybe 5-10% per second.
add another photo-camera (4), let us delete photos from the journal.
I like but at the same time. I think every public lobby I join will be on uber ez mode.