The Phasmophobia Development Preview 13 has arrived and explains us the new changes to ID cards and the Parabolic Microphone!
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Do you like these changes?
It’s looking pretty nice. If the tier 3 can spot the ghost’s personal noise as well, it’ll be super useful!
Finally, I'll be able to see a visual difference between the ghost and my loud friend with a spirit box! I'm so hyped for this update!
What about our previous lvl? will it be somewhere on the new badge?
paramic tier 3 so broken with sonar style like this easy to know to location, feels like cheating game
That's more than I expected! If they do it in such a way that you can hear what's going on in the building with the sound sensors in the truck, I'll freak out xD
My favorite phasma youtuber
There's a ton of room for Roman numerals
Not a fan of the roman number for the prestige level on the ID card. Not sure what would be better, just not a fan of that. The Para-mix looks good and I really hope the sound sensor (high tier model) has similar function of locating where the sound was in the area around the mic; it might be a bit more functionality to the truck.
At 5:00 I like how Psycho is telling that Paramic's like Alien: Isolation and someone launched it on his steam friends list
What confuses me now is that in Dev Preview #8 (with the D.O.T.S.) the following was written about the ID cards: "Once it's locked in, that's it. So think carefully as there will be no way to adjust this afterwards!" But now they show that it can be edited after all, so it's nothing to worry about, or am I misunderstanding something?
Since the first time i played phasmo i dreamed of an "Aliens" like sound/move sensor, and finally we will get it 😍
I'm not deaf, but I appreciate you recognizing the fact that some people are deaf and that this new parabolic mic may not work well for them. It's something easily not considered, so big kudos for mentioning it! 🙂
The reflections in the paramic dome look nice.
I can't wait for the new equipment! I totally botched my level yesterday though. I was trying for 11,666 and, on the last round, I just needed the ghost and didn't realize I accidentally completed an objective. Now I am at 11,667 🙁
Tier 3 paramic seems MASSIVELY strong.
PARAMIC IS MY BAE…it never fails me💙
Feck off u schmucks who can't use it
A good point about people with hearing issues! Definitely an oversight on the dev's part.
Spoiler alert in this message about badges 🤫
After comparig the blured badges and phasmo badges from traiding cards from steam are the same, you can find them in the google, they reused the 4 badges from steam and the rest are for sure new 😀
With the tier 3 parabolic mic, I was hoping they would’ve done that with the sound sensors. That would’ve actually made them useful since you wouldn’t even need to be in the map to see what sound is coming from where. Like have a blip come up on the map and a reading of how loud it is. Maybe they’ll actually make that change for the sound sensors for tier 3!
Badges are cool, I just wish we would get a Badge for the Apocalypse Challenge 🙁 no idea why we dont, other Event Stuff also gives Trophys AND a Badge
I'm hyped for this upgrade! But I do agree with the first Para-mic. I'm deaf in one ear and it does make playing challenging for me at times, but if certain sounds only come through the left side, I'm so screwed 😂
Kind of exactly what most of us expected.
Great video as always
The fact that Psycho said “Like alien isolation” and then his friend Julian went on Alien Isolation.
the first mic looks like a lazer gun from the terminator hahahaa. anyway cant wait for the new update already.
These developments are getting me excited! I reached level 666, so I've paused playing until the update, but man, this makes me want to playyyy. 🥲
Love the look @Psychoooo, very 90's!
0:49 What do you mean? Roman numerals go very high with that amount of space. And you have to remember L, C, D and M exist too, not just X, V and I
The game is gonna have a ton of bugs when it gets updated
The tier III para-mic is really going to end up making the sound sensors seem even more useless unless their tier III counterpart is going to have a new game changing feature that can somehow beat a sonar that points out where the sound comes from in real time while inside the map.
If the upgraded paramic does track ghosts during events and hunts maybe it's helpful when trying to loop the ghost around a car or something. But the screen will likely be hard to read from the electrical disturbances
I like all these changes, but I also think all the items in the game are already fairly useful so anything they add or change for already useful items is going to just be a bonus. The real question is… are they going to make sound sensors AT ALL useful, in any form at any item tier level…
Pog changes!
I agree with parabolic, tho maybe we don't know something? Seems really not well thought.
Roman numbers keep small quite some while, so i highly doubt, that space will ever run out. Something around 2887 should be possible without reaching the right side of the card, maybe 1-2k more, depending on the font size. Wouldn't be surprised, if the space below the badges was kept empty for that exact reason, though wouldn't be surprised if there is an artificial limit either^^
Teir 3 is PAPAMIC!
What are they gunna do with sound detectors now
It took me a moment, but that sound that is staying on the Tier III Para-Mic is probably the Radio Clock in the bedroom. Which makes sense why it hasn't disappeared from the display.
Yo Psycho. Been watching you for years starting with Alien Isolation Speedruns and MODS. Even the ones before you left streaming for a while when you were a youngster. Awesome you got on the Phasmo train with Insym. Yall make a great team. So a question. I know they are going to reset level and money with the update. Should we use up all of our money buying current items? Looks like they are still being used and they will be Tier 2 equipment. Didn't know if they are resetting all your items owned to zero as well. Thanks. Keep grinding.
??: It's got a wonderful defense mechanism.
Alooha! Why am I NOT surprised that ye'd compare the T3 Para to the Alien Isolation tracker? 🤔🤨😉😁👍
I likey what I'm seeing what they're doing with the paramikes. Yes they're seem like they're getting more and more closer to how they perform IRL, but at same time I like how they sidestep the IRL paramike's extreme directionality with the T3 version. Just because IRL long range paras are VERY directional with a very narrow cone of effect doesn't mean game paras has to be identical. This'd result in a very directionally sensitive mike that covers a small portion of the screen. A tiny nudge and ye lose it, heck it'll be hard enough to track a hidden and MOVING target with a small cone of effect.
A question on an unrelated subject: will the T3 Thermo come with a visual screen that allows ye to see the heat source? IRL video thermos can have a video screen that let ye view the world in thermal false-color vision so ye could see a person's thermal outline thru a wall or see someone's hand or foot prints left behind. In game applications, this means possibly seeing an otherwise invisible ghost standing or moving thru the room (blurry images because IR's longer wavelengths dont allow much details), see ghost fingies and footprints thermally or see areas of higher or lower heat due to ghost interactions/manifestations.
to be honest I would like to suggest to kinetic games for their Quality-of-life which gives the ghost hunters the ability to draw on the map inside of the truck for everyone to see so they could understand where they are needed to go, which is which. etc etc