NEW Phasmophobia Apocalypse Trailer (REACTION + ANALYSIS)

The Phasmophobia Apocalypse Trailer reached my hands and this is my initial reaction and analysis of the upcoming phasmophobia difficulty update which is officially called ‘Phasmophobia Apocalypse’.

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31 thoughts on “NEW Phasmophobia Apocalypse Trailer (REACTION + ANALYSIS)”

  1. The current Asylum already has all the cursed possessions located in the reception area. The new Asylum does it better so it's so so much easier to spot. The current Asylum map still has you explore the reception room to figure it out but now it's way better as you only need to go to the chapel and only glance a bit to know what spawned and the way they're arranged looks epic if all cursed possessions was turned on

  2. Hellou Kartoffelmann! I once got the idea on a stream from CJ if there could be a "random button" for the custom difficulty, he said he could ask the team if they could do that. I was wondering if you could ask CJ again if the random button made it into the update 😀
    I would be so happy :3

  3. That friendly ghost options sound pretty nice actually. My first thought was a family playing this with one of their kids or something around Halloween. A nice spooky game but not to spooky for kids. Its not something i will be using but i really like the idea of it for other people.

  4. Small versions of big maps excite me, big maps I always get so lost and then die because I can't find hiding (or get unlucky and get a crawling ghost on high-school and die under the stairs)

    It could be a nice way to transition as well


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