NEW Phasmophobia-Like Game Where You Raid Ancient Tombs! – Forewarned

Welcome to Forewarned! This is a game similar to Phasmophobia and it looks VERY PROMISING! My first impressions of this game are that this could become almost as successful as Phasmophobia is. Just by playing it for like 1 hour I felt this immense urge to explore and learn more, similar to how Phasmophobia felt the first time I played it. We will be exploring this entire game tonight on stream! I really hope to see you there!

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26 thoughts on “NEW Phasmophobia-Like Game Where You Raid Ancient Tombs! – Forewarned”

  1. Phasmophobia really spawned it's own subgenre, it's cool to see the battle royal phenomena happen but in the right way this time, instead of just spawning a bunch of rip offs, they are games that take the basics of the inspiration material and twist them to the point that it's a whole new game

  2. the problem with this game is that its trying to be a ghost hunter game while what it really should be is a treasure hunt horror game and instead of encountering just ghost or/ medjays maybe get some egyptian mythological monsters or somethings aswell as mummies ofc

  3. One thing that bugs me in ALL these games is that you get a digital photo camera, and it can take all of 3-5 pictures. Even some bargain basement fuji digicam from 1995 could take like 50-500 pics depending on quality.

    Similarly to how the lighters always take up a full inventory slot. Ffs, just let us grab a lighter and simply HAVE it for whatever needs it, and let us just use a single camera… There's already plenty of crap to run back and forth to the trucks for.

  4. VR Support! Let's go

    The lobby looks real nice.

    Only 3 photos kinda sucks.

    Lots of different phenomena, that's nice.

    That torch brings such pretty lighting

    I love the atmosphere of this game.

    You compared it to Tomb Raider just as I was thinking that haha

    Is this map procedurally generated?

    "Friends can help the Mejai" Oh god, a game where the dead can troll you and make it harder lmao.

    Does that monkey statue have a penis? …

    Going into inner tomb first public gameplay experience you madman. Didn't even check what the Mejai does first haha.

    Mummy bro. Ah looks like you may have gotten the easiest one. Afraid of fire and slow. Silent, but deadly.

    This game certainly does have some elements similar to phasmo, but it actually is so different. I dunno if I'd actually compare the two.

  5. I wasn't looking at the screen and my tablet was on my ear and all I hear is this massive growl when you died and I was scared out of my mind good job in making the video though love your phasmaphobia videos

  6. I should've learned my lesson from Ghost Hunter Corp, but I'm ready to be hurt again. This looks really polished, and inspired by Phasmo to do its own thing rather than trying to bank on it like or to say "I could make one better with more stuff".

  7. I'm only 8 minutes in, but it sounds to me like the ghosts in this game are not ghost "types" but individual spirits of people who were buried in the tomb. in ancient Egypt, the mejai (or medjay/medjai) were the "police" force of the Egyptian people. the medjay protected the people and the cities they lived in and were elite warriors, tasked with protecting things like royal palaces and tombs and other culturally significant locations.

    Given that each mejai in this game is listed as "X the Y", im guessing those are the names and warrior titles of each individual that is known to be resting in the tomb. When you encounter a spirit you have to collect evidence to figure out which mejai individual you're dealing with. That's my guess so far.

    (If you like Assassin's Creed, i suggest Assassin's Creed Origins as Bayek, the character in the game, is a medjay, so you can see from a creative perspective what the medjay did in ancient Egyptian times. Also, the character Ardeth in "The Mummy" was a medjay warrior.)


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