NEW Phasmophobia Randomizer – LVL 640

This new version of the randomizer is really fun! Inspired by a YouTube comment I made a different version of the randomizer that makes you take photos and finish objectives to obtain tools to detect the ghost. This is a perfect example of a challenge that I LOVE! Something that makes you use your resources as creatively as possible. This honestly might be the most fun phasmophobia challenge out there. The only thing that is unfortunate is that it doesn’t really work well in a team-setting.

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39 thoughts on “NEW Phasmophobia Randomizer – LVL 640”

  1. You joined my lobby yesterday and two of my friends were in it, I dont know if you remember but my name was Nemo and my retaded friend dropped the N word when you was streaming and im still really mad at him for ruining that

  2. I saw a comment below about hunting a previously hunted ghost.

    The dev could add a more difficult and aggressive ghost for these hunts, where the reward for all three pieces of evidence (and a correct ghost) is the provision of the tools from the previous hunters. Not all their tools, just the ones in their immediate inventory

  3. I was thinking about a co-op challenge. Say 4 players everyone gets 1 or 2 items on a large map, but each time you want to talk to each or mention something you have to say the ghost's name

  4. You should split the items in categories, like those who gather evidence in a wheel and secondary in another. So, thermometer, spirit box, book, emf reader, uv light and video cam in their own wheel.

  5. I played with a person with VR and he died, so after that i saw a flying book and was freaked out, turns out that we could see his Journal even though he was dead xD You can scare people if it works for you 😀


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