NEW Spirit box SOUND & NEW DEOGEN GHOST – NEW Phasmophobia Update

In This Short Phasmophobia video I experience a new spirit box sound as well as the NEW Deogen Ghost who is the extremely scary especially on small maps.
The New Update looks great so far can’t wait to meet the other two new Ghosts.

Time Stamps
00:00 – Intro
00:42 – Spirt Box Sound
1:03 – Deogen Hunting
2:00 – Outro

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5 thoughts on “NEW Spirit box SOUND & NEW DEOGEN GHOST – NEW Phasmophobia Update”

  1. UPDATE: I managed to get another this time on willow and it seems that they just speed up when they aren't too close to you,
    but you can actually loop them. If I hadn't of panicked so much I probably would of seen that.
    But still even attempting to hide is just a terrible idea plus cursed hunts are way more terrifying with these guys.
    Let Me know if you have had fun with the new ghosts.

  2. When ever there is a big update I make sure to read everything in the patch notes, and still I have no clue what they added to the game. There's always a ghost event or mechanic that they hide from the patch notes, and in this case is the spirit box sound

  3. If it's fast when it doesn't have line of sight, then a Deogen that crawls is super scary/dangerous. If it's fast when it's far away, then it's a Jinn with more anxiety. Either way my body isn't ready.


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