The new Phasmophobia Thaye ghost is an interesting concept of an aging ghost. This guide will show you everything we know so far about this ghost.
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Do you like the concept of this ghost? Have you noticed anything else with it?
UPDATE: this ghost can early hunt as I tested yesterday. In fact the hunt threshold moves with the age.
I like this ghost the most simple concept but works nicely, maybe a early hunter/high san hunter would be nice on this one but idk how that would work /mess with other ghosts recognition on nightmare difficulty (tried a nightmare for the first time when the update released with a couple friend instantly got deogen and we all chain died 🤣)
Also some ghosts have hidden ability to make players forget to take the key🙃
I have had a Thaye hunt me and my friend at around 60% average team sanity, so yes it can early hunt. Now you make me feel lucky that you say you've never had it happen before 🙂
I think it was at around 2-3 minutes investigation time it hunted, but I'm unsure, and it was in Ridgeview I think?
I really thought that the journal was pointing at that it would hunt early. Like even at 100% if you entered the ghost room too early. Kind of disappointing it doesn’t. I know that it would be easier to figure out but it would kill so many more of us.
With the changes to the footstep sounds, can you use that to get an exact speed of the ghost, or do you have to use references still like time to get from dining table to stairs or something?
I HAVE actually been early hunted by a thaye. It was around 65
I wonder if you ask the Ouija board "How old are you?" to a Thaye, will the number change as the game progresses and it "ages"
This ghost is like trying to have hunts by lowering sanity, but instead of the sanity draining, it increases over time.
Everyone is talking about how to balance the ghost more which, don't get me wrong, I completely agree with. However another aspect I would like to see (I haven't had the chance to play and see if it's already the case) is that when you ask the Oujda board its age the answer will increase over time
Since it ages over time, does that mean asking it how old it is with the ouija board will give different answers as it progresses?
I like the concept it just Ramos down too fast, most people now play at professional or nightmare difficulties which generally take longer than 15 minutes, it also being so fast would be quick to find due to its weakness. I think if they just ramp down the speed slower this ghost will be really fun
I like the concept of this ghost, but it's not dangerous for a long enough time.
Should just get slow slower. 😀
Does the board answer for age change?
This ghost will be a beast even in it's current state once the custo difficulty update comes out and madmen go no sanity. You enter the house, and the racecar instantly comes for you.
I don't want to be spending half an hour on 1 ghost so the regression speed is fine imo
I do like the concept. However, IMO it would be the best if the ghost can trigger early hunt.
People will be scared just because of it when it's still in its highest speed
Great addition, still needs work though
I had a Thaye hunt at above 70%
I think it would be better if thaye ability is to have a longer hunt time and will move faster at the start of the each hunt but the weakness is it cant hunt and cant do ghost event for a long amount of time after a hunt and also to become slower the more the hunt goes(or time pass during hunt)
Sorry for bad English
I like it in concept, but it would be good if there was a way for it to de-age. Like if you take pills it gets some power back too. Or if you smudge it maybe. If there was some interaction you as a player HAD to do with the ghost that gave it back a little bit of power. I'd rather its strength/weakness went up and down rather than just down. Even if they change the timers or the range you have to be, its still eventually going to be a worse shade unless it could regain power somehow. Maybe it gets a bit back every time it does dots?
i had a weird occurence with this one
we had it in tanglewood kitchen and since it was in its oldest state already we used the ouja board to trigger a hunt
i looped it around the car and when it stopped we left, but as soon as we stepped out of the utility room it immediately hunted again, which was barely 10 seconds after the hunt ended
we legit thought its a ghost event and walked him to the door where we both died because we didnt realize, then broke out in laughter cuz he screwed us over xD
In my opinion it’s average ghost threat early game when hunting you should hide but at the end you should dominate the so belongs c tier I think it’s above decent at fighting new players because of that speed but due to that speed going down more min it gets weaker weaker and weaker so it’s between weak or strong so c tier
Thaye, Thaye, creepy Thaye i say goodbye, when you hunt i will surely die. (read this listening to Don McLeans Song American Pie xD )
I dont think making it only age when close will help buff it on the small maps tbh, my suggestion is combination of things, only aging when close, it starts with a speed of 3.0 (or higher), and it goes down to 2.7 by 15 minutes, next threshold is 10 minutes where it will be 2.5, beyond that point it goes down by -0.3 speed every 5 minutes
Psycho … i finally found this vid – the blpblpblpb vid … lol … Thaye seems to move as fast as the blpblpblpbs …. if it's triggered to hunt early … ggwp … luckily can still hide, but it's worst than a rev imo … coz a rev doesn't rush without LOS … but a thaye is just rev-mode all the way … until 5 mins later … lol
Just got Thaye today with my friends, we're practically beginners, we had it at Grafton Farmhouse, we found a summoning circle in the attic(or what you called the uppermost part of the house) and they literally summoned this ghost, it kills 2 of my teammates in just a few seconds. I can say that that is the worse ghost to encounter in that map.
why does this guy look like Drachenlord
Even if they just increase the window of aging so it’s active for the first 8-10 minutes, then every 5-8 minutes it goes to the next age.
I do like this ghost, it has it's own kind of sanity drain. Though maybe they could add an item that could give it a sanity boost or the player leaves an unused sanity pill in the ghost room and the ghost can consume it like a rare ghost ability.
I took someone's suggestion and pasted the Burmese alphabet version of the word into google translate and hit the "say it" option and apparently it came out "tay-yay"
I think the hunt cooldown isn't all that affected by the age. What does seem to happen though is that, after 10 minutes or so, just like the shade it won't hunt anymore if anyone is close to it.
Hey Psycho, we got a 73% average sanity hunt with this ghost just to let you know. We were so confused as it wasnt spirit box so couldnt have been a Yokai lol