I never knew this was possible! I love Phasmophobia so much for tiny tricks like this, it just makes me really happy to learn and show all these tricks. I hope you learned something new! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
I stream every day live at 19:00 CET, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST over on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Join the community discord: https://discord.gg/insym
NOTE: This video was recorded on patch
Insym are you magic because I've commented on months old videos then a day or less later "your comment got a heart from Insym" appears in my notifications
my friend and I got a rev in the master bedroom on tanglewood. It never wanted to hunt us but we had smudge stick ready, and it didn't even want to show itself! lame revenant she was!
I turned the TV off on Edgefield and it was still on in the reflection
I really need to stop watching twitch chat when you upload these. Just goes to show people on the internet still get weird whenever a girl is around. Reminds me of my old xbox live lobby days. ._.
I bet 10 revs that he will not say rev to me
Science show!
Who's idea was this?
– asdf movie
tell me you love me back 😡😩
i hate people saying pog. it's dumb and overused. if you say or use pog, stfu
Tv tricks
Hey Insym! I was wondering when or if you are ever gonna play with Nuzzgard or Neeno Peeno? Love the channel btw!
Chat got denied a revenant by a french spirit lol
He made an video about my idea :DD
3:25 👀👀👀
Parece mentira que con todo lo que juega no se hubiera dado cuenta de los del mando de la tele
Incluso si se lo lleva al camión funciona desde alli
Poor bunny out in the rain 🐇 ☔
Tv remote?
flashback of my friend getting tv remote and spamming it
Edit: just wanted to point out the baby saying die even though you didnt said anything in it
we had a demon and i didnt and neither did my friend say anything but it said D I E anyways.
Made a joke on my friends taking the remote outside to van and pressing it, they were like what the f* is happening 😀
6:18 Eww. Look at the feet! ; p
I had a run once in Ridgeview where the ghost was in the living room. Moving the remote out of range and even out of the house, it was still able to turn the TV on. Not sure if a bug or not, but it could interact with the TV without the remote as well.
Wish I could come watch the streams but too busy trying to grow my art into something I can do for a living. Any spare time I have normally goes into it or just playing games myself. Luckily I can watch these while I work on my art! ^^
i miss the times when my friends and I were new to Phasmo and I trolled the hell out of them with the TV remote.