Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we take a look at the new Dev preview for 2025. We get some sneak peaks into new updates that will hopefully come very soon into the new year. It’s been a rough few years for Phasmo but now that the console update is done I am really optimistic that we’ll see much more updates in 2025. At least I hope so!
Check the dev preview here: https://www.kineticgames.co.uk/blog/phasmophobia-dev-preview-18
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I…feel sad. The work being done is unmistakably beautiful but… I also like the Phasmo maps as they are. The places in it mean something to me. So… I’d rather see new maps than lose old ones myself.
Dude, look at the price and look at the age. What the phasmo devs need to do is release paid DLCs. Hammering them for quarterly updates for a game this old isn’t fair.
If they ever add new maps, I hope they do some smaller ones, like maybe an abandoned coffee shop, but make it tiny or something ^^
I wish they would add the new maps as new maps and just leave the old farm houses too.
Come on phasmophobia, add voice recognition. If ps2 ganes can do it, so can you
“Let’s hope the ghost doesn’t destroy them before it’s removed”?? They adding exorcisms?? 😮
No new models? No new animation? No customization? :/
Maybe for the video cameras, they can add a record button that only works if the player is holding it and then just have it do a live feed to the truck if it's placed. That way the player would have to be inside the house and interact with the environment to fill slots in the media tab.
I really hope they will keep the original rewards for photos, just with difficulty bonus. Leveling up and buying/upgrading new equipment to an actually usable one as a newbie is already too tedious, boring an unfair
30:04 and you know what else is massive
I think the way they can make the video camera system work is the camera has to be close to the activity and the activity has to be center frame. That way you are being more deliberate with your filming choices.
However, set-and-forget for cameras is already a thing in the game. You put a camera in the ghostroom and wait for DOTS.
the console stuff really does take a lot of work so hopefully theres a lot more updates in 2025 like you said.
I'm pretty sure you read off that the photo values are just place holders.
I'm not really that excited considering I know the track record with these devs. I just hope that that new journal system isn't incredibly tedious when it comes to perfect games or filling it in.
Edit: i do find it funny how everytime we get something for this game it just feels like a rework. I wish we got some actual fun and new engaging content to do this in game.
Something that I do want to mention about your complaint with wanting the game to just be fast-paced is that kinda ruins the purpose of an "investigation" genre game. Investigations are supposed to take time to do and if you push it to be too fast-paced then that effectively turns the game into an "action" game rather than an "investigation" game since investigation games thrive on slower-paced gameplay.
Also I really think that the sound recorders should be able to be paired with the Parabolic Microphone so that special sounds that only the Microphone can detect can be recorded for higher values such as the Banshee's scream which should give a major amount of money since it's the only ghost type out of the 24 types that can make an extremely unique sound like it does.
If console is done then where is my voice recognition?
It would cool if they added a graveyard, or cemetery map
That one guy talking photos, right here 😂
ayo that door moved? chat clip it
I think duplicate ghost photos should be more expensive though. I mean, it's a ghost.
A 2nd kind of contract would be cool were you hunt and Exercise the ghost instead of finding which one it is your told from the start which one it is would be cool
I feel like setting and forgetting can be stopped by it only counting if camera is in your hand or if your in the ghost room
Being able to choose between classic and new map versions is all I want for 2025, give me back my asylum damn it! 😀
For the video evidence, I'm thinking it will be you have to hit record, like it's not always recording, just live streaming to the van, and you have to hit record then it's like you said, it saves the like last 10 seconds, maybe the higher the tier the bigger the buffer gets? So you don't have to be as quick on the draw to hit record?
Just thinking, I could hide behind a wall and open the door and my team mate can capture that as some evidence? Is this how it would also work??
I kinda wonder if a deck builder mechanic with modifiers could work for phasmo? Maybe instead of cards, though, you can collect artifacts, treasure, etc that modify ghost behavior, environmental effects, etc. 🤔
Finally they say something instead of posting idiotic things on social media.
I keep blasting them with the “Update the roadmap it’s 2 years behind” on every single post.
If you fallen behind be open and say so, I don’t care if that happens. But update the roadmap, 2023 we were suppose to have Horror 2.0, new models, character customization and we’re heading into 2025.
I love this game but the absolutely horrible communication and slow updates makes me sad af since I was a 15k+ level player. I did use speed leveling strats but still. I know how the game works and can play it at a high level or screw around and die in 2 seconds😂
Please communicate with the community instead of posting dumb social media posts about holidays and irl events. I don’t care. I only care about the next patch, even a post about “we’re taking a vacation so no updates.” would be an amazing post because I know they are communicating. And nobody argue “They are an indie company”. Stardew Valley has something to say about that.
I've never understood the whole [redacted] thing can anyone explain it to me
As a guy who works in a grocery store, I am saddened that there is no haunted Store map on this game. So many possibilities..
I want to see an update on the AI mechanics so bad. Make it like a real hunt where you have to be strategic in hiding/moving around in order to avoid the ghost, like in Alien Isolation
Hopefully they let you use tier 1 headsets for video recording so it’s useful
The sound recorder with the casset tape seems like it would be the tier 1 since it's older and the one in the middle looks more advanced since it has a screen like the ipod.
Hey buddy, me and my friends have been playing Panicore and I think you and the trio would very much enjoy it. Up to 5 players to bring mago and thorlar
There aren't many perks for prestiging, that I know of. A suggestion: Quit with the stupid "only 2 photos can be deleted" crap (at least, with the current system, this sucks if the photos glitch, I can't tell how many perfect games have been ruined by this as well) and maybe give the incentive of… "Hey, every time you prestige, you get 1-2 more photos you can delete" of course up to a specific hard limit/cap. To me, it makes no sense why there is a cap anyway when the photo system is so buggy and 99% of the photos I need to delete are a glitch issue rather than a "skill" issue
im gonna miss the old log cabin aesthetic of the farm houses.
Looking forward to catching EVPs on the recorders!
Hopefully we get to customize our characters