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kinda underwhelming, guess the devs didn't have a long time on this one lol.
It's not snow it's drugs
See the GRINCH from up close! 😂
"I like the balls."
Insym 2024 🤣
“Christmas event live” says event comes tomorrow so it’s clearly not live
We need an abandoned amusement park map
I do like the idea and concept of Point Hope, but the sanity drain is wild. I play it sometimes single player for a challenge but the friends I usually play with are not good and it ends up being a solo no sanity challenge shortly into playing
i will only play it on tanglewood map,other ones are bad
got my Insym plushie yesterday… nice Christmas gift 🙂
No Christmas lights, really?! They had job 😂.. And hopefully I won’t miss out on this trophy because of a in-game bug this time..
Insym is genuinely hung up on the lack of xmas trees 😂 thats actually cute lmao
Bro I love this guy's intros. It's just so charming.
It looks like it's a little underwhelming In my opinion. I'm glad their doing events and all, but with the way the wreaths are placed over braker and other objects, it feels like they copy and pasted it just where ever instead of taking the time to correctly place them.. it feels a little lazy.. I know Halloween and Christmas are close and they did the most for Halloween.. but idk just my opinion.
Imagine if there were more decorations as the event progress continues, like with the theory the tree in lobby will gain decorations
When is the stream with CJ and Psycho
Omg it's just a jack in the box 😂 him calling it a krampus box is 😂
Lmao it's the EXACT SAME event
I'm probably going to split my time between Maple Lodge and Tanglewood
31:00 You can see CJ saying that krapus decorated and he hates Christmas trees
Adopt me
Seems like the general sentiment of this event is a little lackluster. I really just want something to grind for. Give me outfits, evidence skins, let me wear an elf hat, let my video camera have snow around it, let the tripod be a Christmas tree with lights, anything other then just interacting with a box. :/
Me and Insym had the same thought. Every room should be freezing if you’re going to throw a ton of snow in the house. Would make it more interesting. Have it be a 2 evidence run with freezing temps always happening as a third evidence but it’s not always a ghost with freezing temps.
Can you play THE CURSED FOREST please! I would love to see you play that game!!!
why say its live when its early access? now im sad
around 31:02 CJ said that Krampus decorated the houses 😂 and hates Christmas trees lmao that’s why it doesn’t look very festive
kickin things off with a mare-y christmas, i see
this event starts on my birthday! I will def be playing this
The blue would annoy me xD Might have to use reshade to stop me from being blue balled haha
I hate they are babysitting the new console players but In terms making it easy and less rewarding for us older pc players. I want to work for my reward by myself or with friends not as a community. The last good event was the 2023 Halloween event
Not big on how they are doing community events. I'd rather hunt snowmen with the snow pistol again than grind the same maps for a month all so some rando can log in the last day and collect all the prizes along with me. If I'm doing the grind, and you're not, I should get the reward not both of us.
My 8yr old son loves playing phasmophobia. I showed him your videos and now he’s absolutely obsessed with your channel and phasmophobia even more.
Hi Twitch
13:09 We know insym we know :<😢
Love the update but they need to add more jump scares in the game and play with the audio add growls and other effects in your ear also change the death animations so they catch u off guard have ghosts that climb on ceilings and walls make it so u can exercise the ghosts and also a cool feature in multiplayer if a player can be temporarily possessed and hunt his friends ur eyes turn black and you start growling and loose communication until hunt is over
My boy spent like half of a full video customising the cursor and now he is mad bc ppl is asking for it back hahaha
The ghost is singing the christmas song I think the phrase "Santa Clause is coming to town." Or Krampus in this case lol
sitting here like an idiot thinking Willekeurig is a new map being teased and no ones talking about it, just random in german
feels like they don't want to push "christian" typical Xmas decorations
Hey, insym! I mentioned this in the chat of your livestream, but there were a lot of messages coming in at once, so I wanted to also tell you here. When you were having trouble finding the ghost room because everywhere was cold, my brother and I had the same problem the night before. It must be a weird glitch. We went around with thermos for 15 minutes, and it was all cold. It actually ended up with my brother getting yeeted by the ghost, and it was hilarious 😂
i dont have this update, is it not live for everyone?
I couldnt do the halloween trophy this year it was too confusing to me, hoping watching this makes the christmas one more do-able. I liked last years shoot the snowman with the snowball gun that was so glitchy if you didnt hit it in just the right spot it wouldn't count but I still loved that one.
it feels like this one is way lower quality than blood moon. im not a fan
It’s an em4 not 5