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I think a cool map would be an old fashioned mausoleum grouping, or crypt, the ones with skulls lining the walls even, and maybe a smaller graveyard or castle grounds surrounding the entrance to set the atmosphere.
It would have a very different feel from your typical graveyard levels that exist in most games.
To be honest the lantern room should just be fully illuminated as long as its on, from light scattered by the lamp, it shouldn't be pitch dark except the spotlight like it is currently.
Wow!! Team phasmo really outdid themselves with this new map. Thanks!!
When is this update coming out
Put magnets on fridge to spell shizz
A "rocky coast" is what I would call it in English lol
14:16 that's a fishing net float made of a glass ball. It holds the fishing nets so fish will swim into them and get caught; made famous by the asian cultures. I just learned about them this week from some other short. Crazy 😂
In the child's room the signal flags spell out "GET OUT'
If Insym was a ghost, he'd be a poltergeist for how many objects he's throwing
Can you see the campgrounds from the top of the lighthouse??
I don’t usually comment but this update is too hype! so excited to see so many of the things Insym complains about fixed xd
There is so much love in the details of this map and it showwws, I didn't expect this
I can't wait to play chess in Phasmophobia public lobbies at some point XD
Bruh I think I have a problem w lighthouses. This is creepy AF, even normal lighthouses r creepy. But the rest of this game isn't lol.
The flags in the kids room are maritime signal flags, and they spell something.. 🙂
I wish they would make the extra inventory slot for flashlights.
when does this update come?
Epic, can’t play cause I’m restricted by console only but this brings me joy because I get to experience it through proxy.
man this map is a loop heaven lol
Imagine we have a bag like item, for lvl 1 we can bring the normal 3 slot items and for lvl 2 its 4 and for lvl 3 its 5 items so we can bring items from truck to the house easily
Question will a poltergeist be easy or hard here? Discuss
Point Hope is like a playground lol. Also, with how loud those stairs are, can you imagine trying to sneak something out of fridge at night?
Poltergeist POV
Who watched the full vid or stream?
Imagine different amount of slots based off the difficultly you’re playing on. So if your on amateur you can get a extra slot for flashlight.
This game went from ghost hunt to tabletop simulator I love it
CJ out here taking notes 📝
The first 45 mins is insym playing with items to see what sound they make lol