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The achievements aren't tracking for me yet and the global unlock percentage still reads 0% for all of them too
There shold be an achievement for breaking all the cursed possessions (and using all of the fingers for monkey paw) and an achievement for each one you break
Acheivment for accidentally blowing the fuse board by turning too many lights on
Nothing more fun to Hunts trophies/Achievements for your favourite games. 🏆
poe AI response to my curious mind to how many times would you have to play 24 games of phasmo to get no repeating ghost it said that it is a 1 in 28,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, To put it into perspective, if you were to randomly generate 24 numbers from 1 to 24 every second since the Big Bang (estimated to have occurred about 13.8 billion years ago), you still would not come close to generating a sequence without any repeated numbers.
They should make an achievement about getting killed by a cursed possession set off by a teammate
I think an achievement for identifying a certain amount of ghosts in a row would be cool! Like successfully identify 24 ghosts in a row on any difficulty, and you can make it as easy or difficult as you want :3
have a Jinn turn off the breaker accidently by turning on a light
The inverse.
lucky left out. Door closes as you try to go back in
The "You don’t have to outrun the ghost, just outrun your friend" achievement 💀
Can anyone tell me how to restart phasmo?i keep restart my game but it doesnt work like halloween event still on my lobby yet.
at 5 minutes a game for 2500 hours played, you're looking at 30,000 games. So if you're game average is a round that, then it'd make sense.
I died at least 2 times to a demon the moment i enter the house when I was doing your custom difficulty where I start at 75% sanity, sprint is off and breaker is on. Got a ghost event right at the start which dropped my sanity, and then suddenly the ghost appears and approaches me and I thought it was just a ghost event on both occasions but nope, I died HAHA
"Welcome to your first day at ghost huntin'-"
can you get the escape a rev from a mimic rev
Nothing scarier then ghosts 🐐
2:13:35 Someone’s probably already said this, but the achievement for being fooled by the Mimic could be “Il Mimo Sends His Regards” xD
Ask them to make a achievement "Have a lobby of all players of prestige 20" give the achievement as "The Ghostbuster Gang"
so much for BIG CONTENT 2023. lol, at least the new tools were cool if nothing revolutionary though.
after this update my phasmo actually started to run SUUUUPER well. used to lag every match, now I only do on Willow (for some reason). also my friend and I got a demon who early hunted 3 times 😭
I wish they make the prestige unlock mechanics works like in Titanfall 2. You unlock all item automatically when you get the correct level, but you can also spend (ingame)currency to unlock it permanently across all prestige. So they can make the unlock cost x10 or x50 times more expensive but unlock the item permanently, and prestige just stay as it is, a bragging right about the experience and time spent on the game.
My first achievement i noticed was the one to spend $1
I don't think that it is the actual case number. I think your case number should be 6953 which was showing 26953 when you entered Tanglewood.
Liked the video, as always. LOVED the sweater! I'd wear that in a heartbeat!
They should make a ghost that has a special ability that leaves an ectoplasm trail that slows you down.That way if youre looping the ghost it can catch you
they should add achievement for getting trap with ghost in same room when use monkey paw "I wish to trap the ghost"
Achievment Idea: Smudging the ghost during a hunt. It will get players to stop hiding and interact with the ghost more.
Bonus Idea: Maybe a looping achievement too if they can track that somehow.
Achievement Idea: Play an entire investigation without any lights.
Achievement for flipping the breaker.