New Update for Phasmophobia – Steam Achievements Added

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28 thoughts on “New Update for Phasmophobia – Steam Achievements Added”

  1. poe AI response to my curious mind to how many times would you have to play 24 games of phasmo to get no repeating ghost it said that it is a 1 in 28,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, To put it into perspective, if you were to randomly generate 24 numbers from 1 to 24 every second since the Big Bang (estimated to have occurred about 13.8 billion years ago), you still would not come close to generating a sequence without any repeated numbers.

  2. I think an achievement for identifying a certain amount of ghosts in a row would be cool! Like successfully identify 24 ghosts in a row on any difficulty, and you can make it as easy or difficult as you want :3

  3. I died at least 2 times to a demon the moment i enter the house when I was doing your custom difficulty where I start at 75% sanity, sprint is off and breaker is on. Got a ghost event right at the start which dropped my sanity, and then suddenly the ghost appears and approaches me and I thought it was just a ghost event on both occasions but nope, I died HAHA

  4. I wish they make the prestige unlock mechanics works like in Titanfall 2. You unlock all item automatically when you get the correct level, but you can also spend (ingame)currency to unlock it permanently across all prestige. So they can make the unlock cost x10 or x50 times more expensive but unlock the item permanently, and prestige just stay as it is, a bragging right about the experience and time spent on the game.

  5. Achievment Idea: Smudging the ghost during a hunt. It will get players to stop hiding and interact with the ghost more.

    Bonus Idea: Maybe a looping achievement too if they can track that somehow.


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