We spin a wheel to land on a random challenge, then do that while playing base Nightmare mode, use only the tier 1 items, and we must get all the objectives! Today we get no sanity and the random map was Grafton Farmhouse, so you get to see how exactly I play no sanity mode in Phasmophobia!
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If you are new to Phasmophobia or a returning player who is lost I do have guides on the channel which you can check out in these awesome playlists here:
Phasmophobia Guides: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9nGAW9lwBCqdastwAYo9vxMVty4CwkfK
Tips to Find the Ghost Room and Identify Ghosts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9nGAW9lwBCqCjLaJoorm3Qlv_djmrpnS
Hunting Guides to help you SURVIVE: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9nGAW9lwBCpDH6pW8A1hOn3pUQzts85g
Being hella early feels criminal 😭
7 tips for playing Nightmare Mode: https://youtu.be/pX__xpRJTR8
Tbh, no sprinting is terrible, you have to get use to playing ring around the rosy, anyways, good video 👍
Playing with no sanity is kinda fun xd, good video as always👍👍
You're a braver man than I… I can barely do regular nightmare runs 😂
Having done many no evidence runs, it feels weird having to get evidence. I sometimes forget to even check for stuff. For example I got a ghost wrong as it was an Onryo that somehow passed the Onryo test.