No Evidence + No Sanity Madness – Phasmophobia LIVE 🔴

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8 thoughts on “No Evidence + No Sanity Madness – Phasmophobia LIVE 🔴”

  1. I was thinking about new evidence items and I thought of this:
    Spectral Lens (Tiers changing size and range of lens):
    When a ghost throws an item it becomes invisible, and can only be seen through the Spectral Lens (The ghost spirited the item away)
    -Adds an evidence to already existing props
    -Makes it harder to find the room by looking for thrown items
    -Can bring items to ghost room to test for it

    Most of the time I find ghost rooms because "that plate shouldn't be on the ground!" – making interacted items invisible would make it more subtle and like Observation Duty

  2. Hey, I did some small researches in Phasmo recently, perhaps it's useless, but I will still share the conclusion: neither the hermit taro card or smudged Yurei's weakness can stop the ghost to roam from it's favorite room while in ghost event

    Such a shame, I thought I could find the new way to identify Yurei with no evidence, but not only it's hard to smudge it during ghost event and lure out of the room, but it's also not even working 💀 I expected it to stay in a doorway and not roaming further lol


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