No Evidence UNTIL I FAIL | Phasmophobia

This is a new video series I want to start. The same challenge until I fail. In this one I will do no evidence runs in Phasmophobia until I fail.

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31 thoughts on “No Evidence UNTIL I FAIL | Phasmophobia”

  1. Insym has a pretty fun challenge where you go in with nothing but a flashlight, do some investigations and you use your item "token" to pick a piece of gear. If that gear gives you evidence, you earn another token. If not, you're outta luck and have to carry on without any new tokens.

  2. Does emf 5 show on the activity monitor? In the new update, it says that the activity monitor will now show an estimated value rather than the true value.

  3. This was a cool video to watch; I love seeing you do these types of challenges and sharing your game knowledge as you make decisions in a playthrough setting. Those landing strip strats 😂

    Also I didn't know candles are still broken in bleasdale, I thought I tested that one as well but I must have forgotten to check it after grafton, so that's good to know. Cheers potato!

    As an afterthought, can you still test for shades with a smudge stick and their hunting time? I may be misremembering the ghost but can't shades not hunt for like 3 minutes after a smudge whereas other ghosts are 90 seconds?

  4. Imagine a ghost type that moves at 1.25 speed as opposed to 1.5 but it will always know where a player's location was at the start of the hunt(not during the entire hunt)

    Ex. On the first frame the ghost can kill during a hunt, it gets a single frame of perfect sight that shows the ghost everybody's location

    As a result it'll be easy to run from, but trying to hide will be much more dangerous

  5. (sorry for english not my main language) first ghost dont have footprints when he interaction with salt and also second ghost dont have footprints too. how did u understand that the second was a wraith not the first one.

  6. I was convinced the last ghost was an Oni, especially once you ruled out the speed. The ghost was incredibly inactive aside from throwing stuff a lot – typical Oni behavior in solo play. A Shade would have been more aggressive since you were solo, I thought? I was surprised you picked Shade.
    That upstairs hallway seemed like a good place for Infrared Sensors!
    edit: It was really funny hearing the EMF so clearly during a hunt while it was in the truck!

  7. if you look at the left of the screen when you say great my third salt pile is wasted and the ghost begins the hunt you can actually see the ghost pop up and spawn in on the left really quick idk how he didnt get you hahaha thats was crazy <3 love the videos 🙂

  8. The same thing happens to me when I do this challenge on my channel … Shade or oni is a lottery. I find it difficult to differentiate them well without evidence. Anyway great job buddy. A warm greeting from our entire community. 🙂


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