In this Phasmophobia video, I attempt a no evidence challenge where I also have NO SOUND! Some of the ghost are easier to identify when you can hear what they are doing. Can we figure out the ghost without being able to hear it? Game was streamed LIVE on my Twitch channel.
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#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #phasmophobiaupdate
I’m first to comment 🙂 ❤
You said you were congested; I hope you feel better! Maybe spicy food can make your nose run and clear it up a bit?
absolutely amazing
Ah! Just when I thought there wouldnt be any phasmophobia content today. Right on time, Flash 😀
Aw yiss, Deaf Mode run lets gooo!
I hope you had fun playing this, – Deaf phasmophobia player 🙂
Bro Flash your sniffles was giving me unexpected jump scares lmao. I thought a new demonic voice was released when you ran upstairs with the 2nd flashlight after killing the breaker
made the challenge harder like im half deaf but i can still hear well but mylings for my friends can still hear them downstairs [Meanwhile me Nothing no footsteps] so i do the lights think and see if it stoped hunting
love the videos friend
Bro i got u on ticktok and on discord bro u got a good lookin yt profile bro u do amazing at yt vids
There's good, and then there is flash getting the ghost right with no evidence and no sound good.