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Beat you here
Hi wade friend Jessica
perfect timing!
been waiting for something good to watch 😀
Bob and Tyler: having normal conversation
Wade: yelling excitedly while playing basketball with himself
joined at 69 views lol! LETS GOOOO!!!!
No more phasmo? breaks EMF
ayyyyyyyy wade finally something new to watch instead of doing my homework
Please play more of At Dead of Night
What does this vid mean
That's awesome! 😃😊❤💕💞
7:43 LOL and 22:15 and 24:18
Does anyone notice the title?? Does it actually mean he’s not gonna post Phasmo anymore?! I can’t live without Wade Phasmo!!!!!!!!!
These long uploads: 80% talking to chat. 20% actual entertaining gameplay.
Aw, video title had me thinking we were finally done with the Phasmaphobia streak – damn clickbait <_>
More Jimmy plz.
Got an airhead ad before this lol
Wow Wade,Owning a house and being married must be good for you, your beard has greyed up nicely.
Great video
Clearly Wade does the sports!
I love Wade's videos. He always uploads them right when I get home for work. Best thing to wind down to.
Thank you for the entertainment with all the side angles?
Devour needs an update to be interesting and yeah the chat vs gameplay always leans too far to the chatting and not paying attention to the game. Glad some of my other favorite youtubers don't twitch much cause their a d d would make it nearly impossible to see any gameplay.
What company is he talking about, telling people not to work with? I’m only 7 minutes in, sorry if he mentions it later.
My favorite airheads are Blondes. Ha ha ha…..I'm so funny…..ha ha ha.
24:58 I got so scared when the emf went crazy!
1:13:41 lol
O shit right from jump let's go wade sweet moves
More phasmo
Wade casually eating airheads and waiting in the van watching his friends camera casually as his friend screams "IT'S FIVE IT'S FIVE"
0:15 is this what they call a mid life crisis. Bc if so i am scared.
P.S. Wade, Mark is losing his mind in Canada.
what merch company is he talking about?
That sour video with mark was so long ago SOUR CANDY IS THE BEST!
I like long devour episodes too
Is it just me or does wade with a full beard looks like the uncle that never gets a new car but just keeps fixing the same p.o.s. lol
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Make lordminion happy
What company is he talking about
i first read this as: "no more phasmophobia"
and my first reaction was "NOOOOOOOO"
glad to be wrong and/or blind 😛
I see you like the game. I love watching it 😍😍
I want mark to see wade’s level
I'm getting extreme Deja Vu I feel like the last half hour of this video is from another video cause I swear I've heard all of the stuff before from the jump scare coming out the door to Him making a joke about paying him makes your depression go away
Yea delay game for a poll.. nahhhhh
It bothers me more that most of Wade's scares are from the Twitch viewers spamming his notifications than the actual games he plays – it's fucking obnoxious seeing the same 1-3 people keep making Foxy jumpscares.
dear lord an entire box? here i thought he was just grabbing a couple bags not buying in bulk!