We are doing a No Sanity, No Evidence, No Sprint, No Grace Period Challenge in Phasmophobia. Can we survive and identify the ghost?
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If you are new to Phasmophobia or a returning player who is lost I do have guides on the channel which you can check out in these awesome playlists here:
Phasmophobia Beginner Guides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jxe9IRk3UKI&list=PL9nGAW9lwBCp50dxJkiLJZrwkH9ZJkLD6&index=5&pp=gAQBiAQB
Hunting Guides to help you SURVIVE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpVz3-aClAE&list=PL9nGAW9lwBCpDH6pW8A1hOn3pUQzts85g&index=4&pp=gAQBiAQB
Want to get better at Ghost Tests? Check out my You Decide Series where You figure out the ghost type: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9nGAW9lwBCoFCUEgee2Mm4NjD6aorHPI
Unofficial Phasmophobia Cheat Sheet: https://tybayn.github.io/phasmo-cheat-sheet/
Want a Smudge Timer like I Got? Here is how I set it up: https://youtu.be/_xxiTv424wM
Guide to Getting Your Gold Apocalypse Trophy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX0qeyXutJ0&list=PL9nGAW9lwBCpzLu9EVxziYElSn_3KwoMC&index=2&pp=gAQBiAQB
Next challenge finna be no looking no sound and no items or sum shit
U can make it 14 x
EZ game
Looks like I wasn't the only one playing Phasmo into the new year
I have been out of the game for a while. What is a Shade shift?
Loving the hat, P! Happy new year!
Wait, hold up. You can eliminate a Jinn just based on the fact that the breaker is off? (On intermediate and above)
Bro how does u4 game look like this?
It looks like he's got a cheat sheet next to him to remember all the shit different ghosts do haha. He looks down a lot while talking about it
how did you know that was not an myling
What custom difficulty settings did you use for this challenge?
Your brightness is so far up you don’t even need the lights on lol
I hope Banshee shows up soon
How do you get your game so bright?
How do you tell a myling with the microphone
How can it not be a jinn if the breaker was off? I’m confused 😭
My dumbass thought it was a deogen from how slow it was 😭
Like The hat
Youre XX 400? Can you not prestige anymore
watched someone else do this challenge and they didn’t have any form of lighter so is this a custom game with similar setting to the challenge?
Were you using the parabolic when that weird breathing happened cause that'd be Deo
No sanity no evidence no keyboard no screen challenge 🗣️🗣️
how do you know its not a spirit
I’ve actually done a harder custom game for 15x multiplier with no flashlight too