Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I play Phasmophobia without sound! Twitch chat will have to carry me through the game. What could possibly go wrong? I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.4.1.2
Insym ear reveal
I want to type something has it happens cuz I'm used to watching the streams. It kills me not being able to xD
It’s the new student , they are very shy
Wait how do the ghost have legs? uhm
You should really play Forewarned again it has updated a lot.
Anytime anything happened I just looked at the chat and it was literally flying down
No sound challenge is back!
Is there already a challenge for playing with no in-game voice chat?
I love these challenges and I would love to do a couple of them myself they look like so much fun. Really enjoyed this one. That ghost was taking it's time with you Insym especially with the spirit box.
Chat = Ears is my favorite challenge and I always enjoy watching them and evening helping you find the ghost room! 😀
It’s so weird seeing your ears for once
Super fun interactive challenge! Will you be doing this one again? Would love to be apart of one.
Insym is handsomer without headset
+1 gay
Dank, I love how freaky this challenge is especially on the new update where you couldnt really know if it's a hunt or ghost event without sound que. There might be a way to differentiate it visually but still I love how freaky this is XD
hearing a door open and insym just not reacting to it at all is the funniest thing to me because he's usually always immediately on it hahaha
This was so much fun!
level almost 200
play from: august
uses sound : nope
Pvp challenge: join a lobby and try to find the ghost type before the other players
Next do a no looking challenge…😯
High school, no sound on nightmare, and here i am, dying on Tanglewood amateur lol
How did this ghost never hunt lol
Luckiest man alive
when 6969 level?
just to answer the title. Everything?
Holy shit he has ears
I ALWAYS get hallways ghosts, almost every map.
Specially in high school xD i swear the game trolls me.
You look like a handsome fella without the headset x)
How was he never being hunted…?
How would you hear the brewing of coffee then? Oh…wait…that's right….
Love your videos, just out of curiosity, what is the number the ghost gives when you ask the ouija board "where did you die", is it just the house number or does it mean something else. Thanks again.
Does the spirit box only work in the dark?
Also, I thought wraiths don't break salt because they float. Is that not true?
It would be fun to do easy or medium and do it blind and have chat guide you through it
you got dirty water bingo
The only sensible next challenge would be, having Insym stare only at chat and letting chat guide the way xD
That was super fun to watch, hope to see more of these in the future!
It's so weird to see Insym with ears.
this ghost takes hygiene to seriously
No sound + no flashlight, I dare you
That was fun!
12:40 focus on the dots u can actually see them the chat was right
its more seeable there too
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Which stream did this come from? I plan to watch this unedited.
the dots instance @ 12:42 is hella scary like the ones you see on real life ghost footage