NOT ON MY WATCH| Phasmophobia Part 19

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41 thoughts on “NOT ON MY WATCH| Phasmophobia Part 19”

  1. Wade. I love the content you push out. You really have come a far way. And all you do is amazing. I’ve come to love you even more then Mark or Jack, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do. Whenever I’m down I can just watch your channel and it makes me feel like everything is okay. Thank you again. That is all, thank you for coming to my Wade talk!

  2. I miss your single player videos. Will they ever come back? The group content is fun if you all are interested in each other but everyone is just busy speaking to their own audience and it feels… disconnected. Like the bob-mark-wade videos; those are awesome because you all interact properly, but these are not on your channel. Why not place them here as well? I'd gladly watch your point of view.

  3. Yeah im Unsubscribing for the sole fact that it seems to be a trend to be lazy and mix twitch streams with Youtube uploads. I dont watch twitch for a reason i dont want to listen to read offs of stupid shit people have to say and the notifications for bits are always way to loud. Love ya wade sorry man cant watch your Vids anymore. 🙁

  4. Can’t believe you’re complaining about the game getting harder, like you literally couldn’t just speed run each map. That’s why that little gambling game to guess what ghost it is exists, to kill time. Now the game is a bit more challenging, you don’t like the change. Trash.

  5. You gt wait for the place to warm up, takes longer on bigger maps. You can still use the thermo. The way the parabolic works is the number is an accumulation of sound. the higher the number the better. Works well on larger maps as it detects sounds further away. The way I use it I usually stand still and scan the area, if I don't get anything I go to another section and scan again.

  6. Don't hold the door shut when you hide in rooms, it doesn't work. It's only for closets and lockers. The ghost now also leaves fingerprints during hunts on all the doors it opens.


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