NOT What I Signed Up For! ┃ Phasmophobia
Can never go wrong with a good ol big maps in Phasmophobia
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#phasmophobia #phasmophobiamultiplayer #phasmophobiagameplay #phasmophobiafunnymoments
The Weeniebutt is playing spoopy ghost game again
I was coloring in a tram engine called toby when i got the notification!
Saw your video, and did the little happy hand thing, thanks for making me happy mom! ❤
Christmas lasts forever hahahaha 😈😈😈
Singing ghost crawling lady start hunting near them then stops
Matt: “Oh My God!
Ashliee: “Oh My God!
Me: “That was close” 😅
13th comment 👀 love you so much Ashlie!!
Edit: This was sooo spooky!!!!
Love to see these videos
FUCK 2021… For letting the last Golden Girl pass through our lives… It still hurts me… RIP Betty White, thank you for being a friend. 🌹😢
Ashlie I honestly have no idea if you will see this but if you do:
Even though not many people watch your videos the people who do watch your videos are blessed
I wrote this for no reason but to support you
Yo as soon as Matt mentioned Betty White I immediately got a little sad I watch all the seasons of "The Golden Girls" I watched it a lot when I was little and I just got through been watching a lot of it recently
I didn't realize this was new untill I heard RIP Betty White
(May she rest in peace)
When I heard about it I was so sad I could have cried but I think I used up all of them over an ex
Why is no one talking about why ashlie and max don't play together anymore
I was sleeping when my cat pushed the door the rest of the way open and jumped up noticing I was getting sleep for once then took a god damn bite outa my toenail and her tooth kinda went into my toe and I kinda acadently kicked the cat off not knowing it was the cat.
ross's sound board is the best sound board for phas, you can't change my mind
16:54 they're so in sync
Got my sister to watch you and now when ever you post she runs into my room and tells me to watch the new video
I love your videos, they've helped me so much and I just wanted to say thank you !
😂😂😂 im kinda late watching this video but hey ashley!
Great video Ashlie! I hope you're doing well and have a wonderful day! Also, I always love how in the phas thumbnails Ashlie almost always looks like the ghost has them bothered lol its so funny xD
YES ANOTHER PHASMAPHOBIA VIDEO! and it’s got Ross in it! 😍. Any chance you guys can get Mithzan to join you too? That would make a banging video
I love when you post, when you were absent, I watched all of the phasmo videos multiple times and the uno photos, I am so happy that you are back. I didn't realize how sad I was without you and your friends to cheer me up! So thank you Ashlie for being here!
love the phasmo vids ash keep it up!
Ashlie 🥲 my queen, why am I always napping when you poooooosssst❤️💔❤️💔
Can 🥫
Love your videos and keep making more amazing videos.
I kept holding my breath and not making a sound when the ghost was hunting for some weird reason lol.
Even though I'm late, sorry I was on a car ride back to town to go home wizbwjsn
Glad you're back, we all missed you and it's fun to see you're having fun with friends even if you're being evil and making your friends suffer with you, glad to have you back <3 -Bee
Am I stupid?!! When the fuck did Betty White die?! All I feel is grief, I don’t need this at 1:30 in the morning!!
so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool