The Banshee can sometimes be identified without gathering any evidence if you can spot the subtle cues – in this video I will show you one method of how to quickly ID a Banshee with no evidence.
I argue the mirror is way better than the summoning circle, as I believe it is pretty rare to struggle to get a hunt whereas finding the room could prove difficult sometimes.
Thanks alot
you noob in phasmo
That's amazing!
How do you know if it's a hunt ore an event?
I don't understand. You thought it was a banshee based off of low sanity, but the Banshee isn't a sanity drainer?
I argue the mirror is way better than the summoning circle, as I believe it is pretty rare to struggle to get a hunt whereas finding the room could prove difficult sometimes.
Circle also tells you the ghost room by having the lights blink in there
bugged ghost events in garage, old version of the game? ;p or still broken?
Nuzz "Hung Like a Mule" Gard never fails to make me smarter