The Mare has recently received a new hidden interaction, where it has a small chance of instantly turning off a light switch as you turn it on. I’ve recently discovered that this particular interaction seems to be easy to replicate, making it a very quick and easy way to identify a Mare.
More testing may be required to see if this varies depending on room size, if the ghost has to be physically near you or if it will work anywhere in the ghost room, etc. but here is some footage of it in action.
I've managed to replicate this in other missions so give it a go! I'm still trying to test further and see if the Mare has to actually be close to the light switch itself in order to do this, or if just doing this in the ghost room is enough.
May or may not be lucky to be this early, thanks for all the content, keep up the good work!
Awesome, I noticed this behavior recently by accident but wasn't really 100% sure this was related to mare. You are somewhat confirming this, thanks ^^
The Mare of Cheeseville would like to lower your electric bill.
I had a ghost instantly turn off the light twice and do the light bulb smashing ghost event but it was a yokai. I was so bamboozled
Is it more the frequency with this? Because I HAVE had non-mimics do this, although much more infrequently. But it HAS happened
I love ur videos :] keep it up
Awesome video Nuzz- and such a cool cooperative Mare!
I once had a Mare that instantly turned off the lights when I turned them on – exposing themselves… and then as I ran out yelling about how it's a Mare the light bulbs exploded behind me on Tanglewood. Talk about showmanship!!
Every time I turn on a light with a mare they blow it up so I never get this interaction with them😂
Noseferatu 😏
My crack at a nerf on this would probably be flicking the lights too often trips the breaker or agitates the ghost and causes it to smash the lights in retaliation.
I guess I recently had Myling do the same thing
Though, it is possible that I was just lucky with the interaction
This is very interesting, if it is a bug or if they meant it. 😮😄😯
could still be a mimic to throw you off
Careful. Do this too often and UBOA will show up
Awesome! I wish you to grow your channel fast because your content is awesome. Greetings from Belgium
I wished I would've known this about 100 Mares ago
Ι did this trick by chance once, and then I notice a pattern, and I used it to identify Mares.
Good to see other people confirming that as well 😀
Mares are scary now because of their behaviour towards the lights. Me and my friends once played on nightmare, and I did remember that their changes were applied. Told them "Let's see if it dislikes the light", and we turn on lights in the ghost room, and adjacent ones. It immediately turned off the ghost room light, then broke the lights on the next room, then a Red Room event immediately after that on the furthest lit room. I just went "WELL I'M PRETTY SURE IT DOESN'T LIKE LIGHTS"! 💀
If I’m a ghost I would turn off the lights too if someone is flicking the switch on and off like that XD
I wouldn't say that the Mare is scarier now per se, but with its new behavior, it can make it very difficult to properly investigate the ghost if you're solo.
Had a game on Edgefield with a Mare where it would flip off lights all the time and when it wasn't doing that, it was turning off the breaker. By the time I got back to the ghost room, the lights would all be off lol. It adds a lot more micromanaging to the mission.
turns the lights on and off over and over again
Mare: Could you not
The other day I was bone photo farming and was hunted above 80%. I guessed it was a demon and, apparently, it was a Poltergeist. Does this have something to do with the bone?
For nightmare mode it might not be a good idea to totally nerf it, but maybe making it so it can only happen below 50 percent sanity or something might help.
imagine this on nightmare and the ghost thats not a mare just watching Nuzz flicker the lights LOL
Sound sensor vid soon?