Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we do a No Evidence + No Sanity challenge to test how hard the new map in Phasmophobia really is! ENJOY!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.10.0.1
not on Point Hope BUT i was doing weekly challenge, got pretty boring ghost, thought "oh its a Shade again" BUT it did an airball ghost event and drained 20-25% OF SANITY??? how??? i picked Jinn cuz it can drain 25% of sanity by event BUT IT WAS A SHADE ALL ALONG???
When I stop focusing my vision, the characters hand looks like an old person’s eye looking back at me.
Casually take out his journal then scratch out ghost options during a hunt. Main while I'm panicking running for my life during a ghost event.
i will never play any this game not because i am scared but because if you want to play solo some ghost have group powers and some are more potent solo and when i want to learn in multiplayer i always get kicked.
wtf were those sounds at 31:29? don't think they are throws.
my experience with point hope was we found the oueji board or whatever and we told our friend to say "hide and seek" and ran
I miss getting $5K in a perfect game on 13x 😞 devs destroyed that which was the most fun part of phas for me so I stopped playing.
The difficulty comes from the design of the map combined with the footstep audio changes. Good luck ever figuring out a myling without evidence
Just make banshees so they can roam across floors, but just turn down how often they use their ability.
40-something times in a 20min game is actually ridiculous.
Imagine being in highschool and you have a banshee roam to you from across the map but only 1 or 2 times
1:48:00 was that a banshee scream when the hunt started? I swear it is.
If so, is it a coincidence or is this a bug?
Is his avatar sped up? So frustrating.
Imagine if they ever added a Casper, the friendly ghost…
If you pick nothing, it'll auto go for Spirit. The door interactions don't care where the hand print is, as long as you are close to the door to take the picture, it'll give you a 3 star interaction.
Not gonna lie, point hope is very scary for me. I've noticed when I play on maps I don't play on often, I get scared more easily (high school and sunny meadows especially), but my god does point hope do a good job at being scary while still being a somewhat small map.
How tf did you survive the hunt at 29 min lol 😂
Could you play more lethal company please
i love the bobbing insym emote HHAHAA be vibin w da ghost
40:42 how are you just walking through her? Is that a smudge mechanic or something?
They should add a time watch for your character in the game so you can do the smudge timer without having to depend on some other device or whatever.