Phasmophobia 1 Year Anniversary Update!

Happy 1 year Phasmophobia anniversary! It’s crazy to think that it’s only been one year… My entire life has been turned upside down and it’s all because of you wonderful people that joined our wonderful community. Even if you are just a lurker watching videos or streams without chatting I want you to know I appreciate it so much. You’ve changed my life.

For the 1 year anniversary they did a special update! There is currently a party going on in Phasmophobia and you’re all invited! On top of that they also added quite a few really awesome things to the game, especially the new journal is absolutely incredible. Let me know what you think! I hope to see you during the streams! Much love 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.1.0


35 thoughts on “Phasmophobia 1 Year Anniversary Update!”

  1. I love the new journal! <3 It makes guessing so much easier and single-ing out ghosts cooler <3 The audio has some slight bugs tho. Me and my friends sometimes can still talk, but the Ouija Board and Spirit box are unresponsive at times. :c


  2. For me, the best change they've impemented with the Journal is, that you can now see the Ghost's name and the optional objectives in there. This is a godsend for me, because i keep forgetting that shit. I look at the name, see Carol Thomas, enter the house and call out for Thomas Johnson, it's ridiculous how fucking broken my brain is lmao.

  3. You're such a nice guy. It's a great pleasure to watch your videos. You remind me of my friend. He used to be just as funny, interesting, and just a lovely person like you. So sad that he passed away.

    God bless you man! ❤️

  4. The new journal reminds me of the Forewarned Journal. Maybe they got inspired by it (in which case it's great to see all the games of the "Phasmo-Genre" learning from each other) 😊

  5. Happy Anniversary Phasmo! Thank you Insym for sticking with this game and keeping an active community for it. Phasmo and the community may have helped your life for the better, but give yourself credit where due. You HARD support this game and keep an active community going and it's really good to see. I'd argue that what you've been doing has enabled Phasmophobia to continue, as it's continuation has enabled to do what you do. You love to see it.

  6. Thank you for taking this step towards youtube and streaming. I really love your content and really enjoy watching you play whatever the hell you want. You are a great entertainer and really help me to just sit back and enjoy your content.
    Seeing you get spooked always puts a smile to my face. Thank you very much for being you and being here for us like this <3

  7. Man I wish they bring back the old mic, it actually made it very useful especially on big maps it made it somewhat Fu, now it's back being pretty much useless, and big maps are back being not fun big maps, especially if the ghost hides in the very far corner in asylum, and prison cell ghost. :/

  8. I do like watching you play in VR, for the spooks, but like most I prefer straight PC. For me, I’m still not quite over the pukey feeling that Phasmo VR gives me. I’ve been trying to train my body to tolerate it better, then they added the new sprint 😂


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