Phasmophobia 101: Your Ultimate Beginner's Guide!

👻 Welcome to Your Phasmophobia Beginner’s Guide! 👻

In this video, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started with Phasmophobia! Whether you’re new to the game or just looking to sharpen your skills, this guide will provide essential tips and strategies to help you survive your first investigations.

🔍 What You’ll Learn:

Understanding the Basics: Get familiar with the game mechanics, objectives, and how to play effectively.
Essential Gear: Discover the must-have equipment for ghost hunting and how to use it.
Identifying Ghosts: Learn the key signs and behaviors of different ghost types to help you make accurate identifications.
Teamwork Tips: Understand the importance of communication and collaboration with your teammates.
Survival Strategies: Tips on how to stay safe and avoid the dangers that lurk in the dark!
Whether you’re playing solo or with friends, this guide will help you navigate the eerie environments and overcome the challenges that await.

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11 thoughts on “Phasmophobia 101: Your Ultimate Beginner's Guide!”

  1. I know this it might be sound stupid as a question, but what do you do if you lose all your money spent on the gear and equipment lost…?🤦🏻‍♂️ Since my chara dies a lot and I am getting paranoid about the loss of $ though now myself. Thanks in advance👀

    P.S. btw, I play on Ps5, but it does not really matter due of the cross play at all.🤙🏻


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