I set out with my two trusty crewman, Buki and Ducks, to find answers. We’re professional paranormal investigators and have been for 8-12 years, so yeah, we know a thing or two about ghosts. However those ghosts don’t know that we’re coming for them.
Phasmophobia: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
Video edited by @Jeffrey Filman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/some1frisky
IG: https://www.instagram.com/Kyeaintdead/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kyeaintdead
All music used was provided by epidemicsound.com
All stock footage used in the intro supplied by Videezy & Videovo
Hey frisky don't worry either the crucifix ran out of uses from stopping hunts or you weren't close enough to it when the hunt started also just as a decent tip a hunt is when the ghost can kill you the only thing you can do to survive a hunt is get away from the ghost turn off your flashlight hide and don't speak or it will find you
Intro seemed like it took inspiration from house or whatever investigation there is on axn
Are we gonna ignore the fact that frisky just ignored the door opening to the bathroom after he says Michael Martin
this was so painful to watch lmao
On the first ghost, while he was in the bathroom it flashed an EMF level 5
The ghost is more scared of you than you are of him
hly shit buki got possesed, if u look at the activity when buki talks at 8:33 the moment he stopped moaning ghost like the activity dropped, and the ghost was a phantom, idk if posessing players is in the game but if it is then buki got posessed
Oh no no no he doesn't know
other two people: trying to play the game
frisky: trying to be gay and role play
CSI intro be like
The intro caught me off guard.
Frisky play the game with your friends again, but when you die you with them. When you die you can pick things up and move things as a ghost.
7:40 SCP-087-B tape lol
First time in a while since i've watched your videos and the first thing i see is the first clip……. So i'm glad that nothing has changed.
A hunting is when the ghost is trying to kill someone u use the crucifix before it starts u will know when it’s hunting when ur flashlight is flickering u have to stay quite so the ghost cannot hear you oh and u have to drop the crucifix 😉
Fareinheit? Ew
Plz play more
The opening describes frisky’s channel perfectly
Frisky needs to play more phasmo🗿
You gotta play it in vr
You have to say his name after the question because IA won’t respond if you don’t
When someone has Phasmophobia You: 😨😱
please do more
Please do more!!
frisky: scp channel fans seeing something new cool scps us OMG WHAT THE HELL
do a face revel
Man shakes the shit out of him me checks Pulse nothing me out the window
I like how frisky plays the game and talks like it's a movie
MOOORREEE PAHSMOPHOBIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is on roblox
I ain't 'fraid no ghost
The intro made my day
What you doing step frisky
The only thing that is scary is the intro.