To be honest I thought something better would happen once you reach 666 in the basketball hoop. But hey, at least something happens.
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ay yo boi is playin tf2 go hop on wit him
i did 666 hoops when the game started getting attraction like way before and this wasnt a thing. i Feel betrayed
I'm currently at 2000 something, I can't remember if something happened at 1337 or not
bro i have 7k
Mind Flayer
Ehhh I prefer my score at 69 😎
now wait for 696 hoops
My friend got 666 hoops: Red sky and thunder
I get 666 hoops, a year after my friend: No red sky, a bit of thunder
I was disappointed
Bro, this is the halloween lobby and is not caused by 666 hoops.
You could at least indicate it as a joke or smth…
aw man, it should've respawned Kobe
Clicking for 666 seconds what are you doing with your life which is 11 mins
Dont be shy, go in.
Imagine if after you do this ghost events start happening in the safe house. Nothing that would kill you, but any thing other than a hunt starts happening inside.
I just did it for fun, didn't even notice it.
i have 2400 score
Man i am now at 1350 points but when i was at 666 nothing happend 🙁
My hoop is at 420 🙂
Mad respect to your friend playing TF2
how did you know and how did you know it wasnt a coincidence
thats true
i did it too i was like tf
Im just staying on 69
It would've been accurate if it happened at 616, but hey, at least something happened at a number.
Hm anyone else thing It would be really cool if there was a Easter egg where there’s an 1% chance when you complete a mission you spawn in the truck at your home camp and with your gear and there’s a ghost in the base room, but it’s only either a wraith revenant or demon
full fake lol
bah c'est éclaté en fait