Phasmophobia after such a long time

It has been awhile since we played Phasmophobia so we are giving it a go again!

Hi! I’m Minerva Morven, an EN Vtuber.
I am Half-Dark Elf currently living with my Human side of the family.

I play different genre of games, but I especially love Survival and Horror games.
I draw, and also MAY even sing (Badly but I will try!)
I speak in English and learning Japanese so please let me practice Japanese with you.

Currently working several odd jobs to save up money cause I have expensive hobbies.

Please bear with me as I am really new and not very good with social media.


◆ Be nice to everyone
◆ Keep it Civil
◆ You can backseat, I appreciate all kinds of knowledge
◆ Try not to spam anything unrelated to stream
◆ You can speak in any language you want, I’ll try my best to understand, if I can’t then I’m sorry
◆ You can bring up other vtubers (I SIMP way too many so I’m more than ok with talking about them with you guys)

Please behave in the chat cause YouTube-san guidelines still apply so if you say something bad you gonna get banned.

◆Art Hashtag◆

◆Transition Art◆

◆Scene Assets◆


My Twitter:
#envtuber​ #jpvtuber


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