I messed up. No bully.
Download the game here: https://bit.ly/34pEpbn
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I messed up. No bully.
Download the game here: https://bit.ly/34pEpbn
Support me here: https://ko-fi.com/nepheron :]
Follow me here: https://twitter.com/NepheronGaming
0:00 Nice
I'm surprise you die on the smaller maps. In my experiences the AI seem to barely find you on smaller maps if you hide in certain rooms. I trolled the last ghost and was talking near it and it ignored me. I feel the ghost AI could use a little work on their ability to detect players and improvements to their behavior on larger maps.
Who is in favor of a insane difficulty level that has the following modifier ….
Unlocked at level 25
4x cash rewards
2.5x experience gain
No setup time
2.5x sanity consumption
Frequent ghost activity
80-second hunting phase
0% Value of lost items returned to dead players.
New modifiers:
Increase the AI detecting to player made sounds during a hunt and make all the ghost types slightly faster
Make it so flashlights now has battery life
Make it so the breaker breaks much easier. Say 2-3 lights on at once max.
Yes I enjoy a challenge. 😀
i love how Neph play SCP and now this game. its perfect.
Uhm, Neph, I know it would be absolutely off topic request, but…
Since your channel is called after a planet in Mass Effect and there is N7 day soon, would you mind making a series of Mass Effect Trilogy? I would love to watch this, since I watch many playthoughs of Amnesia and your thorough way of playing the game (exploring every single hole) made your playthrough the best out of many! And I would love to see your morals of choices in ME Trilogy!
Love your vids. And you're insane doing all those and only at level 69
This is a very lucky run IMO. Ghost orbs already appearing when you just switched the camera and ghost hunting gets dones when you just ran out of corridor.
Cool video. I was sure you were fine, it's proven only a revenant is to be feared in a chase down the hallways. Even a jinn with it's super power to catch up to you, will slow down once it catches up with you.
I know this is not SCP CB ultimate edition but i was playing it and i just discovered something wierd, a level-6 keycard, i put 2 level-1 keycards and put it in very fine (I was waiting for a omni one) Then when i check, i saw the Level-6 keycard, it was wierd, the thing is it can't open any doors, and it says some words, can you make a video of it?
Wait.. Nepheron are you a girl or a boy?
"Are you here?"
What a conversation
She on x games mode
Just Discovered this Channel. Loving it!
Nepheron: Are you here?
Ghost: NEXT
Me: I'm Out!
Honestly considering the ghost spawn I don't think seeing the orb early is bad. Honestly you're using the tools in your Arsenal and since you won't be in the van ever I personally think it's okay.
I’m so late I’m really sorry neph I have not got notifications anyways be safe <3
Hope Neph is doing alright I can see it's been quite a while since her last upload?
Ily Neph 🥺
Фига ты бесстрашная..
All Challenges Combined
You're amazing
are you a girl or a boy?
У )))
Communism ruled the gangster era
Democracy rules the world
Liberalism semi democracy
Socialism semi communist
Fascism Italian facist
Authoritarianism German facist
Imperialism axis monarch
Monarchy king
Federalism anti futuristic
Confederate slavery I think
Chiefdom for native nations
Colonialism colony’s
Why did I do this