PHASMOPHOBIA ANIMATED Compilation – Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Muyskerm, and Lordminion777

Lets get this ghost!

Watch Woe’s Episode 1 ►

Animated from:
GHOST HUNTING with THE BOYS | Phasmophobia

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#animation #markiplier #jacksepticeye #gaming


32 thoughts on “PHASMOPHOBIA ANIMATED Compilation – Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Muyskerm, and Lordminion777”

  1. Story 2: OP is too selfish and immature to be in a committed relationship. He admits that he games too much and that he doesn't help enough around the house, but he can't figure out why she gets so upset and fights with him. And he can't understand why being told that he wants a divorce broke his wife and changed her for the worse. He lacks empathy for any of what he's put his ex wife through, and doesn't possess the emotional intelligence or bandwidth to be a good partner at this point in his life.

  2. Bob telling a "ghost" that they're there to kill it is the funniest thing to me. Also "Heartbeat gurgles! Gurglebeats! Gurgle hearts!" I love that part honestly.

  3. Oh man these are gonna be SOOOOO good and so exciting! Your attention to detail with the houses & rooms as well was incredible.

    I’m looking forward to many more! ❤

  4. omfg i remember this vid from their playing, and you sir did an awesome animation for it. I hope they will see this! I had to rewind a lot cause the animations for some of the scenes were so hilarious. I also saved your vid cause this is golden

  5. 2:23 Many hilarious moments that happened (both their stream and this video) but THAT one really showcased how dorky and absent-minded they can be. 😂 (But nothing beats Mark's EPIC death scream.)


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