Phasmophobia ANIMATED part 3

HARK! THE LONG AWAITED PHASMOPHOBIA ANIMATED SERIES HAS RETURNED. I have certainly taken my sweet time with this one and had a lot of personal issues and busy schedules that have taken away from working on this for so long, though I did try out a lot of new things with this video such as actual dynamic animations and greenscreen stuff and model making and I’m quite proud of how it turned out. Definitely the most work I’ve put into an animated episode yet. Thanks pals for watching and holding onto blind hope that I would return to release this one day. Keep holding onto that hope. It’s a very healthy mindset.

Please don’t mind that this is very dated footage I am but one man making but one animation. Drawn with mine own two hands. Now I get to play lethal company.

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Music featured: Bach Cello Suite by Schlatt and Ludwig’s Music Emporium

#phasmophobia #art #animation #ghost


37 thoughts on “Phasmophobia ANIMATED part 3”

  1. Oh, that backflip was so sick. Anyway, it was so fun to see another one of these! Little elements like the (stop-motion?) snowman and the ever-changing candles were great. I think my favorite bit in this was John Williams and his orchestra, especially when he donned the Santa costume.

  2. I hope things are going better for you, it's great to see another Phasmo animation! I can only imagine that a Lethal Company video in your style would also be amazing. You've really upped your game on this one, and it looks fantastic. Edit: The candles! So good.

  3. U drew the eyes so perfectly that they portray emotions perfectly, i can understand y it took so much time cuz there were so many drawings of u three and then the ghosts as well as the location and the other things, even tho i feel u should have done it faster, i think that u should just take time, make it and upload it, cuz its dope content which i dont wanna miss

  4. EEEEEEEEE part 3 and I found it within the hour of upload!!! Part of me wants to give a couple of pro tips, but I wouldn't want to ruin the fun and mystery for you guys! Or make this any less hilarious. The candles absolutely sent me. Seriously, I laughed SO HARD! The neighbors may've called the cops out of fear I was murdered by a PCP-addled witch.

    Chandler and Margaret are my OTP. 😍

  5. Well there once was a fella named Chandler… and he only had just one thought on his brain. Every evening about midnight he'd slip off alone, and call the same lady on the pay telephone.
    Chandler: "It's me again Margret. He he he. Hello. Hoo hoo hoo. You don't know me Margret… hoo hoo, but I know you. Hee hee hee hee hee hoo ooo hoo."

  6. 7:22 Me when I tell my sleep paralysis demon that they're pregnant:

    In all seriousness this was definitely worth 2 years, we now have a trilogy to the Phasmophobia Animated series!

    8:00 Im not scared you're scared…

    Also, Im curious, what do you use to animate?


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