Phasmophobia Apocalypse Update Trailer

Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror where you and your team members of paranormal investigators will enter haunted locations filled with paranormal activity and gather as much evidence of the paranormal as you can. You will use your ghost hunting equipment to search for and record evidence of whatever ghost is haunting the location to sell onto a ghost removal team.

You can choose to support your team by monitoring the location with CCTV cameras and motion sensors from the safety of the truck or head inside and get your hands dirty with the ghostly activity that will get increasingly hostile as time goes on.

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43 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Apocalypse Update Trailer”

  1. I'm very happy with this community. We went from very frequent, smaller updates, to longer waits between content. And I have seen very few complaints from around the socials.

    These devs are basically unmatched in communication. The content creators and streamers dedicated to the game are still able to pop out great content, and the community is pretty level headed and very impressively patient. (of course, there's always outliers)

    Phasmo might not be the best horror game of all time. Nor the scariest. But damn, it by far is the best horror community.

  2. You guys are the best. I've seen this game grow and can't believe we are still in early access with so much more fun to look forward to. Can't wait for this update! Big love to the devs and team, thank you for your hardwork!

  3. Is it just me or the video camera in the video does not show in the viewer screen, the ghost that is right in front of the player? If so, could this be a new sort of evidence? And on that note, could film the ghost finally be a thing and objective? I'm excited for this update!

  4. If you can make your own game, can you turn deaths off? Kinda sucks that every ghost is a aggressive murderer and you want to have a fun puzzle solving experience with freinds but everone dies all the time. Make it nonleveling or whatever.


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