Phasmophobia: Backwards Only Challenge (Solo – Professional – Edgefield Street House)

Ever watch Ghost Hunters, TAPS, America’s Most Haunted, Grave Encounters or any other ghost hunting show/movie? If you ever wanted to become a ghost hunter, now is your chance! Investigate various locations, with or without friends, and use your ghost hunting gadgets to discover what entity it is you are hunting… or what entity is hunting you.

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41 thoughts on “Phasmophobia: Backwards Only Challenge (Solo – Professional – Edgefield Street House)”

  1. These challenge videos have been super cool to watch, keep them up! My friends and I have been super addicted to this game the past couple weeks. We had some crazy luck last night and managed to 'speedrun' two professional maps last night and got all evidence, all objectives, dirty water, and bone in less than 6 minutes each, it was insane lol

  2. How about a 0% sanity challenge on High School?
    In my last session we were on high school twice and both times we started getting hunts back to back before we had any evidence and no idea where the Ghost Room was. The first time we fought it out for at least half an hour until IRL things came up, the second time we just left when it started happening and we had no clue where they were.

  3. Love it. I was going to suggest a “blindfold” challenge where a second person watches from the truck and you wear a headcam, taking instructions from them while you play blindly. Then I remembered the radio cuts out during a hunt. Could be possible if using discord for voice just for the purpose of the challenge though.

  4. Man, imagine the junkyard and house from Thir13en Ghosts recreated in this game, and like the ghost of the junkyard, the ghost would be able to bring cars down. Oh, imagine the horror of a nuclear power plant, and it's hidden facilities, (like the one from F.E.A.R 2), or a sewer level. I thank God this is one game that'll NEVER come to consoles, because my kinfolk would have to strap me down just to get me to even do the tutorial level.

  5. I played my first 3 games today. Succeeded at two of them, and never died.

    Starting at 1 am was probably a great idea. But uh, I freaked out so much. I dunno how you willingly force hunts and stuff. Your videos give me the shivers lol.

    Glad I discovered you.

  6. How about "Do not leave the house/building" challenge. Once you enter, you can't walk out the entrance door until all objectives are complete. Really love your vids too. Straight forward and no BS. Very professional.

  7. The spirit box confuses me, and I think it does other people too from what I've seen online and on steam. Does "nothing detected" mean it's a ghost that CAN use the spirit box but just isn't "in range" or doesn't know how to answer your question? Or does it mean it is NOT a ghost that can use the spirit box?

  8. This game needs a team (or a bigger one, don’t know if it’s just one person), stuff like bigger and faster bug fixes, graphic/quality of life updates (toggle sprint would save my pinkie finger), map updates, etc. This game has a ton of potential, and is a really fun game, but it unfortunately suffers from extremely slow updates. Hopefully part of the early access is finding a big/bigger team. I almost feel like it could become one of the biggest horror games of 2020 if it can get enough traction

  9. Phasmobhia but you can't stop calling the ghost (you doesn't have to call the name all the time because it will be impossible but tell the ghost to show yourself etc.)

  10. somehow, your streams of this game are really calming?? I enjoy all of them, especially the co-op ones! I wanna say, though, that if I hired a ghost investigator and they proceeded to only walk backwards around the house, I would just cry


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