Phasmophobia Best Moments Ever #11 | Funny Moments | Scary Moments | Jump scares

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35 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Best Moments Ever #11 | Funny Moments | Scary Moments | Jump scares”

  1. They should make some contraption like thing where it attached to their head, whenever they scream they got electrocuted and die instantly. We should make that challenge though. It's more fun, trust me..

  2. Hello, I hope you all are having such a lovely day today. You're wonderful and perfect for who you are, Perfect is what you make it out to be, No one's 100% perfect in everything but, Love your imperfections. I wish you the best today, Everyone is unique and special and everyone should always respect everyone. We all love you, We should always love whatever you love. Your existence is amazing. You're so special to everyone. You are you and only you can be you. Who knows what's going on with people's lives so it's always good to make everyone feel loved and heart warmed, People need to be nice and not mean, Make the mean people nice. Everyone should try to have a Positive, Mental Attitude and never have a negative mind all the time.

  3. All this glitching through the ground made me realize. It's the ghost hunters who are truly the ones haunting the ghosts. They're forever trapped, trying to get evidence of the after life not realizing they're already dead. Thats why they always return to the truck and base because they can never leave. Why they always return to the same locations, doing the same things over and over, but can never be satisfied. But if they are dead, what does that make for the ones playing as them? What does that mean for us?

    I'm sorry I couldn't resist. I do appreciate that even if you glitch out the house they coded a fail safe to return to the truck.

  4. Before I was a bit like them, screaming as soon as I saw the ghost, and I wanted to stay at the truck. But now after having understood that a simple apparition without your lamp flashing I understood that it could not kill you, so I quickly stop being afraid and now I troll the ghost and laughed allways (ps: if any people want to play with me at night for fun, add me on discord:

    𝓣𝓻𝓪𝔁𝔁𝔂 # 2020)


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