Phasmophobia | Brown Trousers Time

Playing some Phasmophobia with a couple of friends. No matter how often I play it i tend not to get any more brave.

As It is all my streams are now geared towards raising money for charity, I am currently raising funds (AND growing my hair) for The little Princess Trust. If you have a few coins spare.. please consider donating!

My last charity endeavours raised £1400 and £2000 for local Mental health chairties so lets keep the buzz going!

This was all streamed live on twitch for my trillions of followers to enjoy. PLEASE give me a follow, subscribe to this channel and check out my twitter which i’m just working out!

ALSO You can find me and the rest of the herd on the Alt Gaming discord, check it out below. ESPECIALLY if you enjoy a good wholesome, DRUNK, Lan event!

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Twitter –
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