I might’ve played a ghost hunter once but I definitely am not one in real life. If you’re looking for good phasmophobia gameplay… realistically saying this is probably not it.
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Hey my name’s Kaitlyn Alexander and I’m just an awkward taco trying to make it through life, and maybe share some stories along the way.
Im always looking for people to game with. If you need an extra person just let me know 🙂
Aaa yes!! just what i need it to start my monday! TY and good to see you again!
I feel like LaFontaine would love this game
I already know this is going to be chaotic. Thank you lol
Using T you can turn your flashlight on while using other objects. Also I am a fellow scaredy-cat but I do enjoy this game and always love playing with new people.
And I thought Sims 4: Paranormal Stuff was scary lol
This is one of those games I can't play, but enjoy watching others explore. Missed seeing your face (even if you're scared)💜💜💜
Good to see you back!
Hehe was very fun to watch. I'd be down to play.
The fact that you got the ghost right every single time 😂😂😂
Omg welcome back K! Weve missed you here 🥺
DUDE this is awesome, welcome back! Your occasional videos are always such a sweet surprise!
i'm so addicted to phasmo! Welcome back!
You know that awkward moment when you forget you're subscribed to someone and then they upload a video? 😂😅
This is literally one of my favorite in games!
Great to see another video from you, take care up there!
Yaaaay, glad to see you back!
I was terrified trugh all this video but, hey, I'm so glad you're back that I'm down to be scared af with you, lmao!
P.S.: those days playing Among Us with you guys were awesome, hahaha
So happy to see you in my subscriptions today! I love watching Phasmophobia videos but I would probably be just as scared if I played it myself lol.
Ahhhhh yaaaay i miss you so much 😄💖
Me, about any ghost: It's a Jinn.
Thanks for coming back to my channel to watch this video, I think you're really awesome.
Something about ghosts: my mum works at a care home and on some occasions has seen a man who isn't a resident appear at the foot of some residents beds and then two days later the resident will die
Ayyyyee welcome back!! ❤️
This game is my favorite even though I am very easily startled irl lol. The computer screen makes me immune! Would absolutely love to play along with you if you’re still looking for that 😀
Welcome back! Glad to know your still gay 😀
Remember when you played "life is strange" and there was this scene where the character had to hide in like a locker room or something. Well, this has the same anxious vibe just 10 times worse.
I dont think I ever laughed so much while simultaneously being scared shitless.
How's chachki doing?
When that door shut I freaking jumped!
I want to check out this game out now
Singing to get through the fear is a coping mechanism I want to adapt 😂
The speed with which Kaitlyn opened all the doors had all my flight instincts screaming. You are a stronger person than I'll ever be
Seeing you in my sub box made me so unbelievably happy. It’s been a rough week and this is exactly the serotonin boost I needed on this Monday afternoon
oh mY GOD I am soooooo happy to see you back!
Welcome back! Hope your doing well 🙂
Kaitlyn I love your hair and your face <3
The other day I was on an important call and my mom got home and said "I think we have a ghost. Oh, sorry, didn't realize you were busy, I'll tell you later!" and has yet to tell me why she thinks we have a ghost. Also: good news! You can turn the lights back on after the ghost turns them off! Bad news, the breaker box is usually in the basement.
When I asked on Twitter if you’d be making some more YouTube videos, I didn’t expect them to be nightmare inducing 😩
When Kenneth closed the door on you? Freight. Before the whisper even came, I FELT THAT. Why would you do this to yourself, why am I letting you drag me into this, thanks for confirming I am still horrible with horror jgkdkfk
I have a love/hate relationship with Phasma. I like to carry an "emotional support candle" and either try to make friends with the ghost or yell about how I screwed their husband/wife/mother/etc. but I also like to just stand right in the room with the ghost and sing to it LOL and this is coming from someone with intense anxiety and the inability to play horror games besides this one. Sometimes you just gotta fill your pockets with spite, pull your pants up to your armpits, and go in there tits/balls out and blazing!
By the way, you can turn on a shoulder flashlight by pressing T! Also the spirit box only works in the dark and they often won't immediately interact with an item you put in the room. Could take a while to get ghost writing or a response on the spirit box.
Hit me up if you wanna play some time! I'm not fussed if it's recorded or not lol I'd be down to play regardless
the singing commentary gives me life
I was so on edge that when you took that first picture I jumped lol
me- I don't really like gameplay videos but it's Kaitlyn, so i have to watch because they are a VERY cool bean
me 20 minutes later- okay on one hand, Kaitlyn makes gameplay videos fun to watch. otoh……ghost i swear to gd, I will fight you, stop scaring Kaitlyn…..gotta find them a video game with sunshine and a puppy.
Ooo I love this game it is so much fun to play and get scared
Omg I didn't realize how much I missed your presence! Way to brighten up a Monday 🙂
P.S. I also sing to self soothe
As a kid I saw my ghost grandpa sitting across the table from my (at the time) living grandma so that's some ghastly love for ya. This game is terrifying and I'm very glad I saw this video super early in the morning
That game looks…interesting. I also feel like I would be yelling the f word quite a bit while playing. 🤣🤣
So glad to see you back Kaitlyn ! You look awesome and congrats for attempting this game and facing your fears 👏 I'm looking forward to see your next video. Take care !🌈😊
I don't own this game but if you'd like to get into Among Us? That I'd be up for. What's a lie between casual internet acquaintances?
Imagine people from the cast of Carmilla playing this together 😉
I would totally be down for playing this on video with you! I was a real life ghost hunter for a while and this game looks amazing!!