Enjoy this hilarious session where I haunt my friends as a friendly ghost giving them happy tunes to victory!
Dont forget to like & comment to beat the algorithm, thank you!
I hope ye enjoyed, subscribed and have a blessed day
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Twitter: @daithidenogla
Instagram: @daithiden0gla
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Friends in this video:
#nogla #gaming
This is one of the funniest Phasmo videos ever
This is the funny clip I've watch 9:25 vanoss chilling walking directly where brian and he close the door while brian running for his death
Nogla is going to put Brine on a suicide watch list one of these days
Meanwhile here Minion Voice Nogla pops out of nowhere
Lol this video had me laughing hard 🤣 I'm down for annoying Nogla.
Nogla annoys yay!
anyone else think the "ghost" voice sound like a high pitch Jack voice.
Bro Brian getting mad had me legit crying of laughter 😭😭
Ok the Christmas Disney music W Brian screaming in the background was chefs kiss
I couldn’t stop laughing 😂
I rarely comment, But I truly enjoyed this video, Keep it up Nogla!
The voice kill’s me 😂
just watched terroriser's perspective and holy poop you were annoying AF nogla….well i kinda noticed it since 2-3 months ago that you've become more annoying then usual
Nogla sounds so sad this video
Nogla's laugh has changed, especially in the intro. that's a dad laugh right there
Terrorizer is the most annoying guy in this group. Noglas commentary is so much more entertaining and his comments about Nogla ruin the moment
This made my entire morning! the music at the end killed me😂😂 thank you so much ghosty nogla 💜
You are cookieninja???!
My cheeks hurt. this was sooo hilarious. lmao.
This was a banger video. Havent laughed so hard in a while.Thanks nogla❤