Phasmophobia, but it's a Battle Royale! (#4)

It’s all down to this! The team are all tied up, it’s down to the wire and there’s only 1 last game standing between all of them and victory, but there was a problem….

#Gaming #Horror #Phasmophobia

Word –

Content warnings:
Common phobias (ghosts & haunting)
Death & dying (PC deaths, human remains & putrefaction)
Risk of motion sickness (rapid camera movements)
Loud noises & occasional bright/flashing lights
Mentions of: food

Showrunner: Mike LeBeau
Producer: Rusne Stankeviciute
Editors: Rusne Stankeviciute and Mike LeBeau
Executive Producers: April Sumner and Alexander J. Newall
Theme Music by Katharine Seaton
Artwork: Guerilla Communications

Sound effects and Backing Music by Epedemic Sound

For more information or to hang out with the Rusty Quill community, visit:
TWITTER: @therustyquill
EMAIL: [email protected]

Little SEO? If I may
Weird projectors, Music Box music, talks of a dots projector… it could only be the multiplayer, horror classic Phasmophobia! Will they find a hantu? Or maybe a Raijū? (Or Raiju if you don’t know the key commands), or perhaps a Goryō (again, Goryo)?? Only time will tell how our three players make their way out of the world of Phasmo!


4 thoughts on “Phasmophobia, but it's a Battle Royale! (#4)”

  1. Mike, are you sure you did not actually see a ghost on the staircase? At 3:52 there is a silhoutte for a few frames that fades and then pops out of existence. It is not visible on the camera, only on the actual stairs


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