Welcome to Phasmophobia! We’re ghost hunters now. We’re tasked with learning about what kind of paranormal activity is haunting up a building. This game features proximity chat and best of all, voice recognition. So the spirit we’re trying to talk to will actually know when we’re asking a question or saying its name which make the game extra spooky. This is such a unique game, I love it. Enjoy! This was streamed on my Twitch channel, so be sure to follow me over there if you want to catch me live! http://www.twitch.tv/zeroyalviking
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Vine: zeroyalviking
Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
#ZeRoyalViking #Phasmophobia
First 🙂
Oh Jesus xD this should be good!! Thanks for the video Ze!!
Yay~ I'm early❤
I heard Junk's voice and I got so excited. Loving the Phasmo videos
i got so into the phasmo content that i already rewatched all the streams, so time to rewatch it in edited yt form too 😁😁😁 I've been having such a great time watching you play this again!
What’s funny about Kelly, huh? 🥲
Is that the red light or is that a sunburn
I don't know if it was mentioned but banshees change targets depending on who is in the house IIRC.
The panic smudge at 18:18 😛
Negative Nancy, we use nosey Nancy
I know it’s very subjective, but I’ve been unsure how I’ve wanted to edit Phasmo videos. Completely uncut or lightly edited. In this one I cut out a lot of dead air to make the games quicker, but still has all the context of a full game.
Thoughts? What do you prefer?
Phas= awesome
Bless You…
I quite like how this difficulty (at least i think its the difficulty doing this) but only being able to find 2 pieces of evidence, and having to narrow it down further by actually paying attention to what its behaviour isis a really cool thing, especially when you are able to identify them based on their activity.
Junk is just like a puppy 😂
For the banshee, if the target is in the van, it's just gonna pick another target that is in the house during the hunt. Also the singing for banshee is only for ghost events, singing during hunts is random and not banshee specific.
All people called Kevin, Karen or Nancy are just screwed XD
Or any other name used for something negative
It's killing meeeee!!!! 33:35 rofl
Yes the submarine would be tied to the Titanic therefore it resets the time for the Titanic this is why such a tragedy occurred recently. Some say the sub was planned to keep people from making fun of the Titanic others say it wasn't planned.
Yes the submarine would be tied to the Titanic therefore it resets the time for the Titanic this is why such a tragedy occurred recently. Some say the sub was planned to keep people from making fun of the Titanic others say it wasn't planned.
It's so impressive how far Ze has come in this game, from someone who only fooled around and would regularly die for fun, to someone who is truly understanding all the various ghosts and figuring out how to narrow down suspects! It's always a fun time when Ze put a group together to hunt, and I'm really enjoying how you're teaching Junk along the way as well! There are still hunts and deaths, as expected, but the success rate is really going up lately and I'm so happy to see all this fantastic progress! As for the editing question, I don't mind either way, since I think the edits still get across the most important bits of the games, so I would suggest you do what feels best for you, Ze!