@Macro @CaptainTypho
End credit supporting singer: @eMBeaR
I have twitter:
If you want to support me:
@Macro @CaptainTypho
End credit supporting singer: @eMBeaR
I have twitter:
If you want to support me:
handsome people use flashlights 🔦
If you look in front the video ends
– Minecraft
if I find a illmunati the illmunati song plays
-Google search: triangle
If the video gets to 10 minutes the game switches 2 games
Minecraft, but when you will say anything with e in it the video ends
Undertale but if u get hit once u have to restart the battle
If you find a house the video ends
-google search homeless
If you lose in fortnite, you have to do a house Revival
I wonder if this is on the quest
If you find a elf on the shelf type e
whats phasmophobia?
When you see a mob You Voice change
“If someone war on you the video ends roblox:game:army tycoon“
If you find Joe Biden, the video ends
Google search:Trump
Btw Para shock u can play this in VR
This is how many times Macro say "Handsome"
The breaker kept flicking because you turned on to many lights
Did u use canva for the thumbnail
Damn Daniel back at it again with the white vans
If You censor 3 times the video ends
Any 18+ Game
(Hope it doesnt end)
In my sleep… I got phasmophobia (fear of ghosts) I don’t have a teddy bear so my dad helps me to sleep from 8:00pm to 6:36am so I can get to my fourth grade
You can’t use anything but a source of light.
If you die/lose you switch games
-5 horror games
Oh? So you like phobias? Name every phobia!
Trypophobia(Fear of holes)
This phobia(Phasmophobia, fear of dark)
Acropphobia(Fear of heights)
Claustrophobia(Fear of crowds, like small places)
Hemophobia(Fear or blood)
Hydrophobia(Fear of water)
Aeropobia(Fear of flying)
Autophobia(Fear of being alone)
Astraphobia(Idk if I spell it right, but fear of thunder/lightning)
Zoophobia(Fear of animals)
Athazagoraphobia(Fear of forgetting somebody or something)
Cynophobia(Fear of dogs)
Cleithrophobia(Fear of being trapped)
Hippopotomonstroses(Fear of long words)
(I quit here)
Comment suggest a challenge for Parashock
Parashock: "Comment suggested we do the challenge"
Me:the quietest video ever
Me also: realizing I’m on 1volume LMAO
I shouldn’t have watch this at night