We are losing our sanity, both in the game and IRL.
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You’re my favorite ghost hunter 🖤✨
I love when they play basketball in the start lol
Aaerios!! best ghost hunter out there
Watch his streams on twitch for great content !
Cant wait for the In Silence content sir Aaerios
We're playing basketball. We're playing basket ballll
Some interesting stuff right around the 8:45 mark…
Looks like you guys were really after John Martin's ectoplasm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Welp not first but yay video!
Aaerios needs more subs
Great video 👍
8:53 The word Rob was looking for was "BOOkakke"
Out of all the country songs, you guys start singing the one that makes me teary eyed every time.
Had the 3 of you arguing about who he should come inside of… some ghosts have all the luck
actually disappointed we didn't get to hear Bless and Rob singing 'Glamorous' this time
That was insane
Awesome ghost hunting 💪
Looking great Rob lol
I dare you to play with the lights off IRL
I love how calm you are in this scary game. Asking the ghost which angle was their best to take a picture had me laughing.
Ghost: “kill” “attack”
Aaeiros: leaves “imma go check cams”
mattheo johnson= aaerious?
Dude. I have GOT to play Phasmophobia with you sometime. Friggin riot.
My day isn’t the same without your streams!!
Anyone know Aaerios’s favorite team for basketball and football? Always been curious about that
Sooooooo…Mateo Johnson is it >.>
7:00 lead singer is CHRIS Martin
I want John to come in me
Aaerios and Bless: *singing
Spirit box: Death. Kill. Hate. Death. Attack.
I don't think he approves of your performance
So like I tried to be a good Christian Woman and not laugh…but like I laughed so like……you know like……
Dam really u guys killed one of my favorite songs understand i older then you could have been funny but nope
The one dislike is actually the ghost
I think I saw this on stream but you’re too entertaining to not rewatch it!! Love the streams and chatting on them tho :))
Awesome vid dude! Lovin the phasmobia my guy!!
Aaerios-“ Come inside MEEEEEEJohn Martin!” 😂
Well it's safe to say it came inside Rhab
Hi aaerios I love your videos and remember cyclonecatx in twitch?
Not only the countdown for the last shot at the beginning, but the acapela Tim McGraw, what a perfect YouTube video!
Hahahaha "some would say it was a ghost bang"
serenading the ghosts lol .great !