Phasmophobia – Calm & Immersive Ghost Hunting


Hello! Welcome to a couple of investigations with a focus on keeping them as calm and immersive as possible. Phasmophobia can definitely be immersive if you play it that way. I hope you enjoy the investigations.

00:00 Investigation 1 – Willow Street House
23:23 Investigation 2 – Edgefield Street House


21 thoughts on “Phasmophobia – Calm & Immersive Ghost Hunting”

  1. I absolutely love this kind of chill voice (personally I'm not a fan of whispering, Idk why, it doesn't work for me). It's so relaxing, I actually fell asleep during the first play of the video – it never happened before, I normally can't fall asleep if someone is talking. It was brilliant!

  2. I enjoyed this one more than the "whisper" video. But, to be honest, my favorite streams are whenever you are having the most fun! Just be yourself and have fun! That joy comes across without you having to work at it. 🙂

  3. I found your channel some weeks ago while I was searching for a walkthrough of Quarry, and your calm and polite attitude immediately drew me in. Your peaceful approach to horror games is much appreciated and exactly what this genre needs. Thank you very much for the uploads. 🙂


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