Round 2! I’ll be trying to determine the ghost type based on the ghost’s behaviour, and I won’t be using any equipment for evidence. Follow along and see if you can guess it yourself!
I really thought it was Shade but as soon as he activated the radio and he started to hunt, i felt like he was running fast too, so figured out maybe it was a Jinn.
probably wont see this but some advice, put sensors lower to the ground as small ghost models have a chance to not trigger them as they are smaller than the sensors hitbox
Poltergeist: everything likes to fly Revenant: i am speed Mare: hello darkness my old friend Demon: hunting when you are existing on earth Jinn: Scared of the dark Shade: not doing much when you are in the room Yurei: sanity low v e r y quick Phantom: a walking mirror Oni: up front and personal Banshee: Need more than 1 hunter and see who it does the hunt on Wraith: I believe i can fly. Going through doors edition Spirit: Needs more than 2 players. Death for no reason.
At first I pick spirit because when im dealing with a spirit the ghost always seems to have an axe so i go with spirit but this vid prooves that axe theory is not true XD
Just a joke from watching a YouTube vid of someone else I think, just ask what it is and use a the lamps as a yes or no. This is mainly a joke from a YouTube video I watched and can’t remember where it was from.
I was thinking oni until the end there when in turned off all the lights but kept the power on. Also when you are in the truck it had a steady activity level 4. The activity meter in the truck is like a giant EMF reader except it combines all the readings in the house. So if you get a steady activity level 4 (not a messy up and down level 4) it's the same as an EMF 5. As the EMF reader starts on level 1 an EMF level 5 would show as activity level 4 in the truck.
Your channel growth is insane… keep up the good work
I was playing with my friends trying to guess the ghost without leaving the van. We got a 4 streak so far.
yes thank you so much!!!
I really thought it was Shade but as soon as he activated the radio and he started to hunt, i felt like he was running fast too, so figured out maybe it was a Jinn.
Best Phasmophobia Video yet!!!! Love it. I can never go solo. You got guts!
Well done,
"Who needs sanity"
Smudge stick provents the ghost from killing you?!
probably wont see this but some advice, put sensors lower to the ground as small ghost models have a chance to not trigger them as they are smaller than the sensors hitbox
Wraiths CAN disturb salt piles but they just won't leave footprints.
Why did u take thermo
20:01 I'm locking in my answer I think it's a jinn too. Also when he came through the door that was some clutch smudge-sticking xD
edit: woop we were right! great video btw! my favourite phas-tuber 😁
Guessed Jinn as well. Those smudge sticks were super clutch!
ways to guess most ghost types
Poltergeist: everything likes to fly
Revenant: i am speed
Mare: hello darkness my old friend
Demon: hunting when you are existing on earth
Jinn: Scared of the dark
Shade: not doing much when you are in the room
Yurei: sanity low v e r y quick
Phantom: a walking mirror
Oni: up front and personal
Banshee: Need more than 1 hunter and see who it does the hunt on
Wraith: I believe i can fly. Going through doors edition
Spirit: Needs more than 2 players. Death for no reason.
Maybe these help.
Edit: wrote shade twice, forgot yurei
I bet jinn also I learned something new today, glow sticks show footprints, so that’s interesting
I just subscribed yesterday and u already are my favourite phasmophobia youtuber
can you please make a discord server? love your content!
At first I pick spirit because when im dealing with a spirit the ghost always seems to have an axe so i go with spirit but this vid prooves that axe theory is not true XD
Love your content man, insanely underrated. Please keep it up! 🙂
You should be more popular, your knowledge for the game is outstanding!
When he looked at the ghost I was like "Check your sanity! Could be a phantom!"
they just added new map today 🙂
Just a joke from watching a YouTube vid of someone else I think, just ask what it is and use a the lamps as a yes or no. This is mainly a joke from a YouTube video I watched and can’t remember where it was from.
Nuzzgard when he gets a bone: "oh, a bone"
Insym when he gets a bone: " screaming T H E B O N E R "
I imagine that this is going to be the new hit game show, that your grandmas and parents would love
Guess That Ghost!
I love how this is basically the discovery channel for ghost hunters
I was thinking oni until the end there when in turned off all the lights but kept the power on. Also when you are in the truck it had a steady activity level 4. The activity meter in the truck is like a giant EMF reader except it combines all the readings in the house. So if you get a steady activity level 4 (not a messy up and down level 4) it's the same as an EMF 5. As the EMF reader starts on level 1 an EMF level 5 would show as activity level 4 in the truck.