Phasmophobia – Can YOU guess the ghost? #2 (No evidence)

Round 2! I’ll be trying to determine the ghost type based on the ghost’s behaviour, and I won’t be using any equipment for evidence. Follow along and see if you can guess it yourself!

I stream on twitch!


27 thoughts on “Phasmophobia – Can YOU guess the ghost? #2 (No evidence)”

  1. 20:01 I'm locking in my answer I think it's a jinn too. Also when he came through the door that was some clutch smudge-sticking xD

    edit: woop we were right! great video btw! my favourite phas-tuber 😁

  2. ways to guess most ghost types

    Poltergeist: everything likes to fly
    Revenant: i am speed
    Mare: hello darkness my old friend
    Demon: hunting when you are existing on earth
    Jinn: Scared of the dark
    Shade: not doing much when you are in the room
    Yurei: sanity low v e r y quick
    Phantom: a walking mirror
    Oni: up front and personal
    Banshee: Need more than 1 hunter and see who it does the hunt on
    Wraith: I believe i can fly. Going through doors edition
    Spirit: Needs more than 2 players. Death for no reason.

    Maybe these help.

    Edit: wrote shade twice, forgot yurei

  3. Just a joke from watching a YouTube vid of someone else I think, just ask what it is and use a the lamps as a yes or no. This is mainly a joke from a YouTube video I watched and can’t remember where it was from.

  4. I was thinking oni until the end there when in turned off all the lights but kept the power on. Also when you are in the truck it had a steady activity level 4. The activity meter in the truck is like a giant EMF reader except it combines all the readings in the house. So if you get a steady activity level 4 (not a messy up and down level 4) it's the same as an EMF 5. As the EMF reader starts on level 1 an EMF level 5 would show as activity level 4 in the truck.


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